Monday, July 28, 2008


As I drove back from work today, I was mentally complaining how hard it was to get things done..this that this that how the gas price had increased the price this and that..where to move to, what to eat..I got to get this and that done by certain time and date...phew...I was tired just by thinking about what I was thinking ha ha ha..ok, back to while I was driving back from work...I stopped by to get something to eat and a pack of cigarette, then to the gas station to get gas of course...a young lad approached me and asked me nicely whether I could be kind enough to donate some money to this religious institution..being tired and couldn't wait to get home..I thought I would have brushed him off..but I saw a pamphlet on his hand with the name of the school he was referring to..that caught my eyes and I asked him question after another..I started to realize that I have a great life. All the 'complaints' I had before about my daily 'chores' etc, meant nothing compared to this guy's life. I finished with the gas and I reached for my purse...I gave him very little...but I couldn't contain myself..a little bit of 'rain' came out of my eyes...he was thankful...I thanked him even more..this guy made me humble...this guy made me realized that I have plenty to eat, roof above my head and tonnes of 'expensive' clothes' to wear I went into my car...the 'rain' became heavier.. One day, I may be able to do something for this school and for those unfortunate kids..I hope those who have plenty in their lives will take sometime to give to others.
I went home, writing this, hopefully whoever read this will do something good for the less fortunates. There are still people out there who starve, being discriminated and suffer because of our own arrogance. I hope...the riches have rich hearts too...see beyond colors and religions...damn..this world be one funkee happee place to be ;-)

Nite y'all...


Anonymous said...

Laaa...Kak Chik pun nak menangis baca ni ha..good night azi..hati u yg baik sangat sebenanyer...

Kak Chik

Anonymous said...

i stumbled upon this blog. i am impressed with what you wrote here. i am glad to see there are some good hearts out there. thank you for sharing

Joey D. said...

You are a sweet person Azi. Nowadays a rare breed. Very nice story.


Anonymous said...

ramai jugak peminat kamu ni ya

Kak Chik

Anonymous said...

this is a wonderful story!

Gloria said...

nice story azi

FunkeeDeeva said...

Thank you y'all :-)

Anonymous said...

wow Azi! You really are something else...

An Admirer


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