Thursday, April 9, 2009


I told my colleagues that I had had it for the day, even it was merely 1pm. I woke up pretty early in the morning so by 1:00pm I was pretty exhausted. I was looking for a friend to accompany me for lunch and one of my colleagues said that he had this meeting in town. I told him I will accompany him to this meeting and if he accompanied me for lunch. DEAL
At the time I thought the meeting was short. However, I was wrong and it dragged for a few hours. I had no clue what to do. So I strayed for food! Well, we had lunch first and then he took off for that meeting. Yep, I did shop after another, I found Auntie Annie's pretzel. I decided to go for desserty type pretzel. I had this chocolate pretzel before, but this time...the world stopped. I had one, then another one, the another one....until someone stopped me and asked,"Are you malay?". For a moment there I forgot what race I am ha ha. Darn...I am a sucker for good things...I didn't answer her right away...she probably thought that I was some other races...I told her "Yes, I am Malay from Malaysia". She looked at me puzzled as I ignored her and continued to indulge..


kak chik said...

ha ha ha kelakar la mak cik. sapa pompuan yang tanya tu? I rasa dia mesti ingat you filipino!
Tapi gamba tu memang menggiurkan la

FunkeeDeeva said...

terima kasih kak chik


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