Friday, August 29, 2008


Sounds awful isn't it? I have to agree it sounds and feels awful. The thought that you had to do work while everyone else is sleeping made it even worst. My mind stopped functioning and my body all aching from the lack of movements sitting in front of the computer punching and crunching numbers doing the ridiculous things. My friends stopped calling me for I live in different time zone and a shamble to make plans with me. Nevertheless, I am still hoping that ONE fine day, I will not have to work late or stay over night onto the next day at the office just to meet deadlines...
On that note, I want to thank Nurul, Jai and Wada for staying on, helping me out putting together millions of ringgit worth of contract proposals. I hope the bosses will recognise our effort and commitment.


Anonymous said...

ko ni...keje kuat sangat...gila apa asik stay kat opis je..

FunkeeDeeva said...

cari makan kak chik....

Gloria said...

Kamu ya kerja gitu kuat

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?


Roberta Cleopatra Flack   (February 10, 1937 – February 24, 2025) [ 3 ] [ 4 ]   was an American singer who topped the   Billboard   charts w...