Tuesday, October 28, 2008


What is it about these things called donuts that drive me nuts? They are very high in cholesterol, very sweet, nowadays they are even more expensive than when I was a student where donuts were the staple diet for those who were on the run and had limited cash in the pocket. When I was in pre-uni, the donuts that first came to Malaysia was Dunkin' Donuts. I wasn't a fan back then. When I was in Uni in Toronto, the best donuts were from Tim Hortons. At the time, it was almost daily ritual to start my day witha fresh cup of Timmy's coffee and Boston Cream Donuts. When I came back to Malaysia, I went back to Dunkin' just to satisfy my cravings for donuts..especially "Boston Cream". Years after, I think Malaysians started to develop the taste for donuts. Perhaps over watching too much of police stories from the US where the police would have donuts during stake outs, etc.
Today in Kuala Lumpur, there are a few donuts provider that made me queue up in that long lines just to get a couple (a couple? nah more like a dozen ha ha) of donuts and a cup of coffee. I don't have to remind myself about the calories and cholesterol that come with every donuts but I still indulge myself in those sinful round things...Bif Apple Donuts and JCO are the two main culprits LOL.
Still, I must learn how to resist.. but look! They are simply irresistible now aren't they?

If you ever in New York...check this place out:

The Donut Pub

Desserts & Bakeries, Sandwiches
203 W 14th St, New York 10011
At 7th Ave

Phone: 212-929-0126
They have wicked donuts! and check out this guy's blog ----> Vanishing NY, The Donut Pub



Anonymous said...

those donuts looked irresistible

yusrihashim said...

agree with darla...used to work with Dunkin Donut and tasted all the 27 flava..

FunkeeDeeva said...

@Darla: That's what im talking about ;-)
@Kareem: Damn 27 flavas???? phoarr im gaining weight just thinkin about it LOL

Gloria said...

kamu sakit enggak? kok asik makan saja ha ha Loh donuts kelihatannya begitu 'delicious' sekali. cepat sembuh mbak

FunkeeDeeva said...

yes tummy ache...
yes memang terlalu banyak makan
terima kasih
tomorrow i will be able to work :-)

Anonymous said...

im in NY and i love the donut pub
screw dunkin

Unknown said...

JCO is my favorite so far...hmmm maybe becos it is not available here in hk hehehe. krispy kreme just closed most of its outlets here...let's blame it on expensive rents and lack of sweet toothed fans


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