Wednesday, October 29, 2008


What a day today....I went to the HR department to have a chat about some issues on 'Malaysian Labor Laws'. The chat was pleasant and it was a great pleasure to share with my colleagues some great experience of mine on these issues. However, a few hours later one of them sobbed..another colleague gave me a brief of what happened and I rushed to her...she was sobbing...I slowly asked her even when I got a rough idea of what happened...,"Zila, what happened?" While sobbing she replied,"My dad...coming back..from work..on a bike..this afternoon...and hit by a lorry...he died on the spot". In time like this...honestly...I didn't know what to say..I gulped but I think I managed to say,"Be strong, god loves him...all we can do now is pray for him". I tried to offer what I could do to make things a little easier for her. She explained that her husband is already on his way to pick her up to go to the hospital which is 3 hours away. My heart goes out to her. Then one of the bosses came into the room and said the same thing, that God loves him...I waited with her for a little while until her husband arrived. A whole bunch of us walked with her to the car. I told her husband to drive carefully...

Another tragic accident. By a lorry driver...I couldn't help but thinking when I was going back for a holiday a few weeks ago, I came across some crazy lorry drivers on the highway..really..some of them were not even 'human' when they were on the road. They overtook other lorries as they please..they sped as they please...they high beamed and scared people off without any regards for LIFE. Today one of them took a fine father's life who left 6 children and a wife behind...I paused and stared on an empty space and I almost cried...

The whole office prayed for her and her family.

I beg people who have access to lorry owners/drivers to tell them (I doubt the drivers/owners ever read this blog, but if they ever do...ughhhh..), please have regards for human life. Why do I have this feeling that they don't give a s***?

O I am sobbing...


Anonymous said...

Innalillah. Semoga Allah memberkati roh nya.
Lori driver tu akan mendapat hukumanya kelak. Amin

yusrihashim said...

diorang mmg mcm tu..lagi2 yang bwk lori satu tan tu..bwk tak ingat nyawa orang lain..

lagi satu nak kena tembak driver teksi..suka2 hati dia je mana nak berenti..mana belok..

Anonymous said...

OMG! Teruknya! Innalillah. My prayer to your friend and family.

Anonymous said...

the lorry drivers....awful and i dare to say this because my friend's husband was knocked down cold by one
he died on the spot too


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