Saturday, July 3, 2021


I had been waiting for this day and felt like forever. I thought they almost forgotten about me. Well finally! Early morning when I woke up, I felt the excitement but a little bit nervous. Some said of the bad side effects, I was a bit nervous because of that. I took off from home to Setia City Convention Centre which was about 30mins drive away from my house. I was thinking of "GRAB"-ing but after 7pm, with MCO, naaah...So I drove there. There were many people. Parking was easy to find. After scanning in, I went in and the "staffs" were all super helpful. I was given a form and a number. AFter a few minutes of waiting we were given a briefing and some questions were asked. I was given a Sinovac (Developed in China) and a couple of times the Doctor asked whether I had a problem with it or not. Well, I made it to the appointment right? The needles used was 0.5ML, reminded of the needles I use for Ben's insulin. So I told the doctor if my cat was here, he would have said,"Padan muka! Now is your turn". After injection, the assistant updated mySejahtera and asked us to wait at the "observation" area. I didn't feel anything at all. Not even a little headaches like everyone told me. After 15 min, we were called at the counter gave our forms back and set the appointment for the next date for 2nd dose. So, I went outside and caught up with an old friend from KPP who happened to have an appointment 30 mins before me. We talked for a bit walked to the parking lot and headed home. I missed one turn and added almost 10mins of my journey but thankfully I made it home in one peace. Until next time!

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Roberta Cleopatra Flack   (February 10, 1937 – February 24, 2025) [ 3 ] [ 4 ]   was an American singer who topped the   Billboard   charts w...