Sunday, March 9, 2008


It's Saturday, 8.3.2008. My parents were around. It's Malaysia's 12th General Election (GE). Mum woke up pretty early and my sister, got my dad up to buy some breakfast. She had to go to work after breakfast. So, we made our move in the afternoon. I had this funny feeling that this time it was going to be different. I am not blogging about politic, I leave it to the people who have passion about Politic. I am just an average citizen who live to make ends meet. I do not really understand the language of Politic even when we are the ones who created it. All I know it is the game which I do not know how to play. I am simply too emotional to do that. So, today, we are out there witnessing the "Democracy" being evaluated by the people. I am sharing this blog to show you some of the shots I took on this memorable day to Malaysians. The streets were filled with posters and banners. Believe it or not I was more 'concerned' about the money that people spent on this GE. My sister held a flag and was given RM60, attending a gathering and given RM50..being there..just being there..not even 'supporting', people were given money....

Yeah..I can understand the excitement to vote..but do you have to be 'vulgar' to show it? Ha ha..I got this shot passing by the street on the way to go to "Hulu Langat"..

Hmmm....who to vote???? Decision, decision, decision...

After a long wait on the GE area..we decided to scram and headed to town. By that time, it was pouring. When we reached town, the rain stopped. We started our evening project...The real thing done by the real average people in this part of the world..looking for bargains..looking for things to do being with family or friends....Cheap shoes! This is great! I don't have to pay hundreds of ringgit to get a pair of comfy sandals *winks*.

I was pretty bored waiting for mum, dad and sis I looked around and snap some more pics. We were planning on going to the heart of Masjid India..but damn sure took us 'gallavanters' a long time to get there. So, I decided to get a little something to munch on.

Jagung Manis (Sweet Corn)
Mum was feeling a little hungry but we couldn't sit down and eat as yet for we wouldn't have enough time to walk around... We passed through "pasar malam" (The night bazaar) to go to Mydin in Masjid India; Mum and Dad's favorite place I kid you not. They love the bargain and the fact that being in a crowded place like that give them this kind of 'thrill'. We finally made it to the store;
I was fascinated by the colors...
Pretty cheap eh! They are actually not bad..if you don't give too hood about "branded" stuffs.
Nice lights in the middle of "Masjid India" area.
Oh, a reminder about GE. I must tell dad to hurry home for the results. Not that I know much about politics but at least I keep my self up-to-date with what's going on around me...
Running out of "Sajadah"(Muslim's prayer mat)? You can easily find them here.

Sata, originated from Kelantan, East Coast State of Malaysia, near Thailand. Primarily of Fish and local spices. Interesting taste but if you like fish, this is an addition to you palate. I am a poor eater of Malaysia, I just discovered this dish through my ex-boss a year ago and re-exposed tonight by my dad.
Pretty cool design don't you think?
Funky sandals with pretty colors.

Pretty handicrafts made of rattan I think. I can think of ways to use these things...(Oh, I leave it up to your imagination). I was very tempted to buy the whole thing. I just realised that I will not have space to accomodate them.

Lotsa head scarves. Just choose the colors that suit you. They are all very very cheap. Mum just loved them.

On this GE night, a busy street seemed dead...
Kowloon in Kuala Lumpur? I think that bike parked right in front of it tells the whole story..
Sarah Hughes? WTH is she? She's like Yves St. Lauren is she? Bwahh! Hah! Hah! oops..that evil laugh again.... I can't be the 'critique' on this for I am not a fashion expert. Plus, I had never set foot on this place. I was just passing through....
The Gulati's...My mum said when she was younger her relatives used to brag to her about this store and how 'exclusive' the fabrics purchased from this shop. That seemed like too long ago. Nowadays I am not even tempted to go in. Don't as me why, I am just not tempted. Let's leave it at that...
Yess!!!! The Manhattan Fish Market! After hours of walking, of course we were a little exhausted and hungry. Mum and Dad wanted to go to their usual cheap place on the way home...I was like, Oh come one parents..let me buy you guys some fun food. So we stopped here for a while to pig out.
Simple menu. Easy to take family with you. Healthy for the oldies, yummy for the youngites.The decor was alright. No big deal but I think it's simple and clean.
This is the part I felt like I was not under the fish net rather underneath the mosquito net.
Pretty alert and courteous staffs who at this time were directing my parents and sister where the washrooms were. So, I was left here alone snapping away...
Lethal weapons: Tartar sauce, red hot chilli sauce and potent garlic.
Feasts like ancient Kings *winks*
Mussels (Kupang) with Garlic and Butter Sauce. Yummy to scoop bread with.
Mussels (Kupang) closed up
My favourite chamomile for a long hard day :-)
Pigs! He He!
Holy! I didn't realised we were that hungry! I was happy that we ate the way we did. We did not waste much huh. Waaa.... I wanna go home! Badly! No! Not because of the GE..I just wanna go home!
On the way home, we bumped into one of my colleagues in the elevator going to the carpark..I was a little surprised coz ..o heck, the world is small, especially in KL. Even in the least expected place, you will meet people you know..We reached home just in time when the media were announcing the vote results. There were some 'surprises' but I was not surprised at all. I was expecting some change this time. I was expecting some 'slap in the face' this time to some politicians. I was expecting Malaysians were going to retaliate towards leaders who'd been asleep all these years. I was hoping that this GE will bring brand new Malaysians to a different level of thinking and to renew our very reason for living in this world. I fell asleep right away while dad continued to watch the election results. I will ask him tomorrow morning what happened. Perhaps, I will know what kind of change we will be facing in the next few years. I am just happy that I contributed to the economy tonight with food and clothes for my beloved mummy and daddy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-what a day!, i like the way you described your day based on the photographs and i like all the photos-
-remaining anonymous-


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