I was thinking of abandoning this blog. But then I simply have tonnes of things to share with the world such as how cute some things are. I will give this blog another chance ;-)
Malaysia is HOT, I mean literally hot and humid. Ok a little exaggeration since there are people who can live in the desert. So, tropical climate may be 'nothing'.
However, there are certain plants that need to be grown in 'special' and controlled environment. In Cameron Highland for instance, they can grow strawberries! Awesome! Since I work in the company that helps manage the maintenance part of the hospital there, my bosses went there recently and bought some strawberry trees. Well of course I had devoured (being the 'pig' that I am) the strawberries they bought in the packets...
dah ada orang rembat ker blum strawberry tu?
comelnyer stroberi tu
Ya da ada org rembat lum?
@ si tikus kampung & @Zah: Tak tau..si empunya mungkin da bawak balik rumah..samada masih 'intact' ke tak..tak dapat dikesan...takut nak tanya...nanti kantul kalau ilang...dia nanti tuduh i ;-)
ha ha
has it been stolen yet?
Wow! I would love to have a strawberry plant, I love strawberries. But not in the heart of the city :o(
Please do not abandon us Azi. If you do, tell me where you will venture to and I will follow. =] As for the heat, it is nasty here in the states. But at least I am far away from the equator. Me and heat do not get along too well. =P
I thought of you yesterday when i had dinner with a friend at a local diner. I ate like a horse. Luna has given me the munchies this time. She always effects me diferently when she is full. I hope that all is well, and have a wonderful weekend!
be good
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