Monday, March 17, 2008


I knew her approximately 5 years ago. We were working for an outdoor LED billboard media company. She’s always been beautiful, cheerful, helpful, wonderful and full of life. I had never seen her without a smile. A lot of women envy her for her success. I on the other hand am darn proud of her for she inspires me in many ways. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, we grew a little silent but once in a while, popped in Yahoo Messenger (YM) to say hi. Then, a week plus ago, she YMed me saying that she’s biting the dust oops getting hitched. I am so happy for her and excitedly someone else who also knew her. We both agreed to attend her wedding.
What to wear?

That sounds so familiar..well this happens to me on daily basis. Wardrobe full of clothes still nothing to wear. I took the easy way..wear either red or This is a Chinese Wedding! Nah! Who really give too s*** about things like that...surely you can't wear white for another people's wedding *bwahh hah hah*. So, I chose both colors. I wore a black number with a glittery red shawl on top. There...solve all problems.
Well, you must be tacky to be in a wedding. Just be tacky...what the heck. I took my old red little bag to go with the ensemble. Yeah, Happy Chinese New Year ey! Well, I just hope my friend Mein did not wear any of these colors. Otherwise we were going to look like Siamese twins..
Oh ya! Black glittery shoes! That will do it! I bought this one at the Curve...conned by my sister into buying these..I thought I had no use for glittery tacky black open toe pumps..well, what do you know huh!
They fit me just fine. I was just going to figure out how to really walk in them ha ha! I waited for Mein to pick me up. Guess what? She had a RED dress on and she had a BLACK shawl on her car seat. Darn...we just had to be the SIAMESE TWINS. O well...such as life...Mein got a Crystal Vase as the wedding present from us. I didn't have a look at it. I just gave Mein my share and signed the cute card. We reached the Hilton just in time for everyone to walk into the Ballroom for the function to begin. I love the old Shanghai color concept..burgundy and white. It turned out that nite was filled with people wearing red and black *laugh laugh laugh*. I shouldn't worry too much!
They showed some videos and photos they took during wedding photo shoot. That's the usual thing for Chinese..but I seen some Malay and Indian weddings that incorporated this part in their wedding ceremonies. The MCs were addressing the audience in 2 languages; English and Mandarin. They were alright and strait to the point.

The father of the groom giving speech. Yaaaaaaaaaaaam Seng!!!!!!!! The door gift

nice and chocolaty

Uh uh...this girl had been taking photographs from her old is she? she has a better mobile than mine and duh I do not think that mobile belongs to her parents...nah she
had that for way too long...

This is the Menu! Very scrumptious!

Four season hot and cold combo platter as the starter. I didn't take the shark fin soup's pic because I was too busy eating ha ha! Steamed promfret
The glass of red wine...
Deep fried roasted spring chicken with percik sauce...deep fried?? roasted?? both?? hmmm...pretty interesting eh!
Prawn with dried Chili - To die for!
Hmmm....waiting for more food... Four season vegies with braised mushroom and abalone sauce.
Lotus fried rice.
chilled pumpkin and sago cream topp with pistaccio is something I never had before and this one..I will definitely recommend for anyone.
Crispy corn pancakes topped with sesame seed..ok..don't pay attention to the eagle statue. A boy sitting on the table wanted to take it home. The pancake was served with mango coulis. Interesting and deliciously taste.

The truth about Chinese wedding in my eyes is all about 'Yam Seng'. The groom's face turned really red. Julia looked more radiant that night. She looked really happy. I am glad I came to this wedding, filled with happiness even when the father of the groom apologised for the short notice...

Ahhhh what a wonderful occasion. Short notice or not, I am happy for Julia. They dated for over 3 years I think and it's about time to tie the knots. I wish her and her husband a long and happy marriage. We left a few 'yam sengs after at around 11-ish. Mein took me home and called it a night with a smile thinking about how happy my girl friend was that night.....


Anonymous said...

nice. never been to a chinese wedding before but nice


Anonymous said...

kak! best la akak punya blog. saya lapar tengok. Saya dari facebook.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I missed this one when you posted on flickr! Nice pics and I like going to Chinese Wedding! DRINKYYYYY

Anonymous said...

I like this one. Detail and food looks delicious.


Roberta Cleopatra Flack   (February 10, 1937 – February 24, 2025) [ 3 ] [ 4 ]   was an American singer who topped the   Billboard   charts w...