Thursday, May 15, 2008


9.5.2008 Friday
2:15pm Picked up from home
I was excited about this little weekend getaway. Partly because I had wanted to have this with the one I have been in love with for a long time; Peter Petrelli. So, when he suggested we got away over the weekend, I said yes without hesitation. He arrived and I was happy. We were on our way to a chill-out weekend. In the car, I looked into my purse and realized that I forgot my camera. Great…so if you see any pics for this blog..I didn’t take them.
3:15pm LCCT
Parking was a little bitch. But we managed to get one. Well, after all Peter was my HERO! Ha ha.
4:10pm Depart
There was a group of people on the flight that was going to a hash run in Langkawi. The flight was full of ‘excited’ people and we both closed our eyes through the whole one hour flight to Langkawi.
5:10pm Arrival – Langkawi Airport
It was easy to find a ride to our hotel; Sunset Beach Resort in Pantai Tengah, Cenang. I hadn’t been to Langkawi in a Loooooong time and I was pretty surprised how beautiful this little island was. The sunset beach resort was the exact match to what I imagined the place was going to be.
We checked in. Very cozy room we got there…
7:00pm – Walkabout and Dinner
We made our way to walk around and see what’s around. We were next to the underwater world.
I thought to myself, if we don’t have any plan we should visit this place. We stopped by a bar to quench our thirst. We stepped out of the Bar and there’s a guy hailed us and yelled “Taxi?”. Peter Petrelli asked how much and we both jumped into the guy’s car and headed to Bonton.
8:00pm – Dinner at Bonton
Oh wow...that place was filled with beautiful cats. Hanging out like it was a cat’s joint. The ambiance was “Kampung” like. Very ‘Malay’ concept but nicely done. I saw a few people whom I thought I recognized from Bonton in Kuala Lumpur. I didn’t know their names so I kept quiet. But Peter Petrelli was more curios than I did so he asked away only to find out I was wrong. We had a very nice dinner there. Then we headed back and rest.
10.5.2008 Saturday
10:30am Breakfast
I didn’t have much. I just had coffee and some scrambled eggs. Peter Petrelli suddenly had this idea of “Soldier” breakfast. I made a remark, ”That was very English and people in America/Canada called it differently”. We both laughed at it.
We were then picked up by Peter Petrelli’s friend; Sylar and Maya to Telaga Harbour. After a brief introduction, Peter Petrelli and I jumped into an ‘old’ Volvo where the door was almost ripped apart. I thought that was very ‘cute’. First we stopped for lunch at The Loaf which belongs to our former prime minister; Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammed. The food was alright. I ordered the spaghetti Alio Olio and it was pretty drenched. I thought Alio Olio was supposed to be ‘dry’ and ‘oily’. It was oily alright but they didn’t get it quite right. O well, what do I know…I only know how to eat ha ha.
We then went to the boat and then went to Kuah so that Sylar would get some stuffs for his boat. Maya and I went to the Malay Restaurant and waited for the boys. There, Maya showed me some pictures of her home and friends there. I was intrigued by some of the pics and they brought the smiles to my face. We grew pretty tired waiting for the boys and finally they called it quit and sent us back to the Hotel. We agreed to meet up at Champor Champor later on in the evening for dinner and drinks
8:30pm – Champor Champor
We walked to Champor Champor coz it was not that far from Sunset Beach. Sylar and Maya were already there. We joined in and got our drinks. We met Uma and Theo. They own and run the bar. We had some pretty interesting drinking conversation. Some interesting people started to walk in.
We stopped for a bit and grabbed a table for dinner. I had some mutton curry and it was delicious.
We then return to the bar area to continue with silly talk. More interesting people started to walk in and as the night went further, the conversation started to get weirder. Sylar volunteered to send us back to the hotel.
Uma and Theo; Great company, great drinks and awesome food!

11.5.2008 Sunday
I probably woke up around 11:00am. We woke up and quickly grabbed a taxi and headed to Telaga Harbor.
12:30pm – Telaga Harbour
We arrived at Telaga Harbour but made a quick stop to tapaw (take away) some food. We got some sandwiches and Sylar let us in. We had a few bite and I was more excited to do some ‘sailing’.
While we were eating, there was this American Lady passing some flyers out to Peter Petrelli saying that she fixes sails. He talked to her for a little bit for Sylar needed the sails to be fixed. It was almost too spooky that this lady showed up when they needed one.
2:00pm – Sylar took the boat out
Sylar started the engine and off we went…leaving the harbor slowly. I was excited. The boys were busy. As we went further, the ‘ombak’ (tide) was really high. It had been a long time since I was on a boat. It started to rain…then heavily…I was drenched but I loved it. This one somehow didn’t agree with my tummy. I puked a few times. So did Maya it seemed. After that happened, Sylar decided to take the boat back. We arrived back safe and I was a little disappointed with what happened. I wish it could be a longer experience and as Sylar put it to the boys at the harbor…”Hujan dan perempuan sakit” which meant,”It rained and the women got sick”. What an unfortunate day….I wish I knew how to sail and knew what exactly to do…not DECKING…Maya lied down so I helped out a little bit when the boys were putting the sail up and down.
5:00pm – The Volvo wouldn’t start
That beat-up Volvo was cranky. It couldn’t start. We then decided to just call for a cab. We saw some monkeys on the street. A couple of tourists took some pictures. Our cab finally arrived. When we arrived, we agreed to meet up later in the bar next door for some food and drinks and to watch a little bit of football.
7:30pm – Dinner at the Oasis
Sylar and Maya were already waited at the Oasis for us. I had some Tandoori prawns and it was delicious. Peter Petrelli hardly touched his food and he claimed that he wasn’t that hungry. Then I realized it was mother’s day and I sent a text message to mom. I called and informed my sister and she was at “the Garden” gallivanting. Our table was at the beach and we could hear the sound of the soothing and relaxing. Peter Petrelli’s invited Maya to play pool. I didn’t want to embarrass the people around me with my pool skill so I just watch everyone played ha ha. We then watched a little bit of football and then headed back to the hotel. AT 11:30pm we were out like a light.

12.5.2008 Monday
8:00am – Taxi to the Langkawi Airport
We woke up in time to get ready to go home. 3 days were not enough for the both of us. The transport was waiting for us.
8:20am- Checking in
While lining up to check in, there was this lady with a daughter in a pram. She was in front of another lady who was in front of us…duh how many in front LOL…Anyway, she saw her husband coming in with some luggage and she left the line. A few minutes after she came back to the line and the lady in front of us refused to let her in. So she moved in front of us and Peter Petrelli made a remark saying she should get back. She told Peter Petrelli that because she was from India he looked down on her. She accused Peter Petrelli and the other lady of not ‘fearing god’ for refusing her to get back in the line. Finally, an older man behind us asked the lady to get in the line in front of him. At that time, I couldn’t be bothered to say anything. I learned from some people, in a heated situation, better stay quiet than adding fuel. Nevertheless, the older man saved the situation.
8:50am – Starbucks
After we checked in, we were both craving for Coffee and almost automatically we went to Starbucks. I had my usual Caramel Macchiato and Peter Petrelli had his cappuccino.
9:35am – AirAsia
We left Langkawi (sob sob)….
10:25am – Landed LCCT
We landed in KL apparently 10minutes ahead of schedule (wow..AirAsia must mention that huh). I was not looking forward to go back to work. The journey was pretty quiet. We both hardly said anything.
11:20am – Home
Peter Petrelli dropped me off.
Thank you Peter Petrelli for that little get away..and the opportunity to get to know you a little better. *KISS*


Anonymous said...

very lucky this peter petrelli.

Gloria said...

o are so in love with this man...i don't know what to say...i guess i love carlos a lot less and i am over him already...

Anonymous said...

Who is Peter Petrelli?

-Kak Chik-


Roberta Cleopatra Flack   (February 10, 1937 – February 24, 2025) [ 3 ] [ 4 ]   was an American singer who topped the   Billboard   charts w...