Friday, June 6, 2008


Antibiotic and liquid diet.....(bummer)

My whole mouth is f*****. I couldn't open wide. I went to the dentist nearby my area coz I couldn't be bothered to go anywhere further. The whole night I couldn't sleep and this had been going on for a week off and on. This morning, the left cheek looked blown up. I looked fat. Ok maybe I am fat but heck the cheek didn't help. A week ago it was the 'right' cheek now the 'left' one.
At the reception, the lady took my particulars for I never been there before and when she looked at my ID she was counting on how old I was...she told me that I don't look 40. Hooo hooo...That's the highlight of my day ha ha
The doctor checked and I couldn't open my mouth any wider than 10cm. It was bitchingly painful when he poked at the infected area. Jokingly he said to his assistant,"This is the first time a woman could not open her mouth wide..usually they open like that wide". His hand was making a big opening sign.. I laughed..painfully.
He continued, " Well, I can't do much today since you can't even open your mouth...I will give you some antibiotics and pain killers. Let the swellings go down and until you can open your mouth really really wide than you can come back here. You have wisdom tooth...dying to come out...on both sides...and right now they both are killing your gums and cheeks..."
Bummer!!!! What am I going to eat??? Shiatt! I love to I can't eat..well except for soup and porridge I guess..
I went to the office to catch up on work and some people were laughing at me..."Wey! Old chick! Wisdom tooth huh! At 40! So cute!". I smiled and said "B*****!"


Anonymous said...

you poor thing...
get well soon

Gloria said...

oh sweety
take it easy

Anonymous said...

i had my wisdom tooth out recently..its a bitch
goood luck on yours


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