Saturday, June 7, 2008


Do you remember your dreams? Or you don't give a f*** after a while ha ha..Well, I studied psychology and dreams always bug the hell out of me. Sometimes I remembered bits and pieces. Sometimes I remember them vividly. When that happened, I woke up and thought, "What the hell do that means?". Dreams interpretations vary across culture I guess coz I never found the true interpretation of dreams any where..even after reading numerous psychology books by f***ed up theories. Some said it's the manifesto of your 'subconcious', some said it's the actual things that you experienced, some said it's the 'insight' of the future and some said 'it will happen'...Why I bloody write this? Heck I don't know but last night my dream was very vivid. The similar dream occured a few times before but never this vivid...;
I just rented a new terrace house with 3 bedrooms. I was sharing with one other lady. I came to the house after work and saw the landlord's friend was in the livingroom. I went into the house and went straight to my room. I didn't like the room so I wandered around and I found a secret passage led to more rooms. There were 8 rooms altogether with different types of bed and some with attached bathrooms. Then my housemate came and joined me with the discovery and said, "Heck! There are more rooms here! Bonus! We can make more money renting them all out!" I went exploring some more hoping to see more bonusses...but the dream stopped after I was dissappointed not to find anything more.

Now, how weird was that! I woke up with weird feeling and I hope nothing weird will happen today. Perhaps the theme was "house" so I went to youtube finding house music to calm me down..ahak!

Enjoy some of the cool mix I found by the geniuses on youtube;

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a good blog. I don't remember my dreams.


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