Thursday, July 3, 2008


Crazy....after my meeting, I drove home like a crazy gal to change into jeans and flip flop after the whole day in my heels and 'corporate' jacket. I rushed to Sunway Mall to catch up with my colleagues. Aha...we were having our 'Annual Bowling Tournament' and I was in the committee..They put me in-charge??? Well, the real person who are in charge in this whole thing were some other good lads. I had to surrender my 'authority' to some other capable hands...but I didn't want to miss the games. So, I braved myself to the bowling alley and got myself into a team who I had never met before (now we are like the best buddies in the world). It turned out to be we all had such a great time. Some of the bosses were there too. They were such a good sport. I was a bit rusty (I can't help it but to laugh on this one..), but hey I managed 2 strikes in 3 games...wooot!

The bosses started the 'ball' rolling. It was a roar. Birthdays for June and July 'babies' were celebrated..It's just our way of saying "guys...u r getting older...get a life and bowl..ACK!"

To be honest..I de-stressed. I completely forgotten the rough couple of weeks I had with some issues that are not worth mentioning here..(I de-stressed ha ha). Another form of therapy has just been no won't find me in bowling alleys from now on, I promise :-))

Suffice to say, we had a blast and some people got to show off their bowling skills and we all got to eat all we could eat later on...

Please click here to view this pic on Flickr

When I reached home, my hands, legs were all sore. Yes, after 25 years, I made history :-)


Gloria said...

never too late to start bowling.
Great photographs.
Looks like you people had a great time.
I like the blog too.

Anonymous said...

reminds me of my time in high school

Anonymous said...

((((Bowling woooo hoooo)))))

Joey D. said...

Congrats and awesome blogging skills!!!


Anonymous said...

i like this. looks like fun!


Roberta Cleopatra Flack   (February 10, 1937 – February 24, 2025) [ 3 ] [ 4 ]   was an American singer who topped the   Billboard   charts w...