Monday, July 21, 2008


As a great detective that I am, I must do the follow-up closely. From my last blog on the above subject ~~~~> STRAWBERRY PLANT, I must investigate what happened to the strawberries.

This is my report;

I did not steal the strawberry, I repeat, I did not steal the strawberry!

Now, do want to hire me as a detective? *wink* *wink*


yusrihashim said...

hahaha..kena curik gak akhirnya...who's the culprit?

Joey D. said...

You are a sleuth?!
Great skillz Azi!
I'll hire ya!
But payment is an issue do to lack of employment, but I am werkin on that as I type this.
Keep up the great werk (Detective) Azi!


t.a.t.a said...

wei sape yg curik tu? baik ngaku.. ja-at nyerrr!!

FunkeeDeeva said...

@si tikus kampung : Yaaaaa akhirnya....but i still can not prove the person who stole it...

@LurGee: he he...we can negotiate on term of payment ;-)

@t.a.t.a : Tak tau lagi si ja-at mana yg curik tu...hmmm i tengah imbestiget

Anonymous said...

ahak sapa curi?????

Anonymous said...

what is "curik"?


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