Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I moved to a new office. A bungalow to be converted into a corporate office. Ironically, when I used to pass by this bungalow on the way to the old office, I often wondered who stayed, I am here. This bungalow is next to a main road. However, as soon as you step in, you are in a different world. The bricks used to build this house absorbed noise.
I just hope that I need no yelling in here because no one outside can hear me from outside either.
There is a small, triangular shaped swimming pool in here. Unfortunately I can't swim (bummer). This place shall keep me busy this year. I am looking forward to work in a 'different' environment.


yusrihashim said...

best tu..ada swimming pool...tak yah g club nak swim

Yudi said...

where is this place?

amanpuri said...

big house


Roberta Cleopatra Flack   (February 10, 1937 – February 24, 2025) [ 3 ] [ 4 ]   was an American singer who topped the   Billboard   charts w...