Friday, January 1, 2010


Sounds like a movie title? Oh that was 2012..
What a year 2009 was... It went by so fast..As usual, I sat in one corner and pondered,what happened? Year after year went by..resolution after resolution..procrastination after procrastination and here we are, 2010 arrived.

This year, I am inspired by Dave Ramsey from his book which was introduced/lent to me by one of my colleagues: The Total Money Makeover. After finished reading this book, I realised the mistakes I had done when it comes to managing my money. Yeah like I ever 'managed' my money to begin with. Suffice to say, I spent my money on things I already owned and things I don't really need. This has got to stop since I have 6 figure mortgages and debts. So, last month, I started to sort my sh** out. Literally, when I looked at my stuffs, boy have I accumulated junks! I started to feel like those "hoarders" and OCDs featured on Oprah and on Bio Channel. As I switched the TV on, I kept on stumbling upon "Hoarders" stories over and over again. That scared the sh** out of me. Guess what? Finally I have a new year resolution! NO MORE BUYING:

1. clothes: (I have been good so far for the past 3 months...see if I can last another few months without buying any clothes...)
While sorting my cr** out, I discovered pairs of 'unworn' clothes with tags still attached, pairs of black pants with the same cutting and from far you can't even tell the difference, piles of red shirts..ughhh I can go on which I may end up scaring myself. Oh, I forgot to mention they are all 'branded' which I am too scared to do the math...

2. shoes:
The same story, when I was sorting things out, they were RM200 - RM400 shoes that hardly worn which not only collected dust but almost shredded into pieces due to dryness. My heart dropped...Even scarier when I realised with all these pretty pricey shoes for Malaysian standard, I ended up wearing the same 'slipper' (selipar jepun) over and over again..classic psychological problem hah hah.

3. handbags:
O dear...After sorting through sh** No.1 and sh** No. 2...I simply have NO more space to keep my handbags!!!! Houston, we have a problem!

Ok, I think these 3 new resolutions (or did I just confess to my sins?) will keep me busy and enough to put me into a mental hospital if I'm not careful.

Last week and this week I donated bags of item 1, 2 and 3 to the less fortunate. Gosh that felt great!

Nevertheless, HAPPY 2010 EVERYONE! I have this feeling that it is going to be a great year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dont like ramsey


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