Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Nothing last forever, even "Forever". I think very few nerds are left in this world. I got really disappointed when a lot of good sci-fi series were cancelled/ discontinued lately: Forever, Continuum, The messengers, etc. I f#$%&&% love science fiction. It calms me down. It excites me. It makes me happy. It is a great escape after a long bullshit day. It makes me feel smart. It stirred buried emotions. It makes me humble. It makes me cry. It makes me laugh. O well..it makes realize how big the universe is. You name it, I will or have watched it. Star trek, star wars, star gate, star crossed (yeah a bit of a disappointment there), battlestar Galactica, buck Rogers, Babylon 5...O man..there are just too many to list. OK I deserved the word nerd although I think I am cool like that ha ha. Despite my disappointment on cancelations I am also stoked about some new series. defiant, dominion, under the dome, extant, killjoys, dark matter, Mr robot, wayward pines...phew...that's quite a few to quench my sci-fi thirst! Yes judge all you want, I am the one who is happy. I am on therapy. It is called sci-fi and fantasy therapy. Y' all should try it sometimes.

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