Friday, June 19, 2015


Poohteh was born on Saturday, 20th November 2010. If she is a human being, her zodiac would have been a cancer. Ironically she died of one; blood cancer - Leukaemia or rare blood disease..I don't know vets never gave the straight answers.
She was born in our old office at 130 Jalan Ara, Bangsar.
She was one of 3 Lily's Kids: Jo, Poohteh & Kenit
Kenit & Lily ran away some years back. Poohteh just passed and I am now left with Jo.
Clockwise: Poohteh, Kenit & Jo (a few days old)
Poohteh was the prettiest. She has ultra soft furs when you rub her, she was all smooth and nice. She meows in the most prettiest voice too. Her voice sounds almost like she is singing.

When she was about 1 year of age, she roamed outside the house and was bitten by a stray dog. She had stitches but she pulled through
Then a few months after I sent the whole lot for neutering and spaying. (19.05.2011)

A few years back, I brought Poohteh to a vet due to minor flu. A few expensive blood tests after the vet could not find what it was but clearly her blood has something wrong in it.
Poohteh on my old sofa. The sofa they all (my 8 cats) killed, that I had to throw away when I moved house. 
I asked some vets on how to take care of her. This and that, no one really tell me what to do. Either they are super expensive or for the wrong illness. I became quite agitated when it comes to Malaysian vets. Sorry for those "innocent" vets who read this. Almost like they became vets due to "kerana terpaksa" sikit compassion pon tak nampak...
I think there are vets in Malaysia who are inconsiderate charging pet owners arms and legs. I asked for discounts if I bring in strays. They didn't give me the time of the day. How are we going to promote compassion and care towards animals?
I wanted some advice about cats I asked this and that to one gave straight answers let alone sound advice
Poohteh favourite sleeping style
 So, day in day out Poohteh, while showing some symptoms of illness, her appetite never slowed. She loves her food. Boiled chicken is her favourite. She could smelled any chicken from miles away. If I ever tapaw food that has chicken in it, habis aku kene kejar dengan Poohteh.
Pooteh at the far end when she was a few months old.
She spent most of the day sleeping. She ate a fair bit, drank water and then to bed. Despite her appetite, her weight was dropping.
Last week, Poohteh's condition was deteriorating. She ate and then vomit. I brought her to the vet nearby I was slapped with hefty bills. Once again, I asked for care advise, they all said come lah bagi boarding kat kami for RM100 a day...joking ke tak, nak mampos aku bukan billionaire wey...So I took the meds, and walked away swore never come back there. My swear came true sadly..

When feeling shunned by local unaffordable vet, I looked online and started to ask some vets in Australia. The next reply.

Then it went so fast from ate, threw up, diarrhoea, then one day she was just skin and bones. Everyday I hugged and kissed her.
Finally on 17th June, 2015 she passed away. I was devastated but I had said my goodbyes while still blaming myself that I could have done a better job saving Poohteh.
Poohteh.. RIP sayang...
Today I received a phone call from Australia. A lady with heavy Ozzie accent was on the other line. At first I thought a friend from there who selalu kacau I. But then I just realised she was a different lady and that was a vet...I cried when she called me. The fact that she felt so bad that she couldn't save Poohteh saddened me even more. She told me there are other remedies or course of actions when your cats are facing certain diseases.
Now I know this may be a too good to be true stuff surfacing when you are desperate for cure. But I don't care. She showed compassion more than some vets I been to in this country. The advice she gave me worth more than what the vets are asking for a stupid consultancy here.

She will email to me how to care for sick cats etc. I thanked her and she asked me to take it easy.

I am grieving. That's why I wrote this blog.

RIP My princess
Allah loves you more.
Whoever read this...send her alfatehah.
She was a great cat almost 5 years of age.

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