Saturday, July 24, 2021


The usual, woke up to feed the cats and did my subuh prayer. Read a page of the Quran. I wasn't as nervous as the 1st Jab. After Asar prayer I prepared to go to Setia City Convention Centre (SCCC). I arrived around 6:00pm and started to register at the door. Then I realised that I didn't bring my "card"😱 and the forms I filled out during the 1st Jab and I ain't going back home to get it. It's 30min drive each way so no, I wasn't going to go back home. I told the guy at the counter they said you refer to the doctor later and you will still be allowed to get your vaccination (Phew!!). Then at the registration counter, another lady told me I had to update my "card" and urged me to come back the next day. I said OK as long as I am allowed to be vaccinated today. I looked around, there were not as many people as when I got my first jab. Or perhaps it was quite late. I got my jab. No eerie feelings just a bit "sengal" around the jab area. Considering the high rise in Covid 19 cases, the volunteers urged us not to stand around there for too long. I asked the girl at the "holding area" and she said I could go home. I asked her how about updating my card that I forgot to bring today? She said,"No need lah kak, dah ada digital cert buat apa nak waste time lagi" Deng. I rempit home to kejar Maghrib. I hoped I could make it and I did (another phew, Alhamdulillah). My car engine emitted some funky smell again. That  is another worry for another day. The important thing is I am vaccinated. I have to be extra careful at least for another 14 Days (Sinovac, other vax will have different time frames)  for the vaccine can work its magic.
Guys, get vaccinated. This Covid-19 is vicious and has taken many lives of the people who were quite close to me. Some were gone too soon. Stay safe.

Thursday, July 15, 2021


This is sad. All the hard work staying safe, seemed irrelevant now. Don't get me wrong, I will keep staying safe as much as I am able to do so. Psychologically, this is a bit strenuous news. I cant even imagine how the front liners must have been feeling with this new development while the whole country is supposedly under strict movement control. Why are cases still on the rise? 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021



According to MOH Website today: MOH Malaysia Latest Covid 19 updates

Pada 13 Julai 2021: Jumlah kes COVID-19 yang dilaporkan adalah 11,079 kes.

Pecahan setiap negeri:
Selangor : 5,263 kes
WPKL : 1,521 kes
Johor : 406 kes
Sabah : 239 kes
Sarawak : 472 kes
Negeri Sembilan : 1,033 kes
Pulau Pinang : 234 kes
Kelantan : 211 kes
Perak : 329 kes
Kedah : 497 kes
Melaka : 323 kes
Pahang : 321 kes
Terengganu : 93 kes
WP Labuan : 60 kes
WP Putrajaya : 77 kes
Perlis : 0 kes

This upsets so many people, especially front liners and those who follow SOPs religiously, sacrificing personal needs for their loved ones. 

I really hope our numbers will go down after we all received our 2 dosages of vaccines.

My heart goes out to the patients and those who are directly affected by this pandemic.

I missed my family 😐

Saturday, July 3, 2021


I had been waiting for this day and felt like forever. I thought they almost forgotten about me. Well finally! Early morning when I woke up, I felt the excitement but a little bit nervous. Some said of the bad side effects, I was a bit nervous because of that. I took off from home to Setia City Convention Centre which was about 30mins drive away from my house. I was thinking of "GRAB"-ing but after 7pm, with MCO, naaah...So I drove there. There were many people. Parking was easy to find. After scanning in, I went in and the "staffs" were all super helpful. I was given a form and a number. AFter a few minutes of waiting we were given a briefing and some questions were asked. I was given a Sinovac (Developed in China) and a couple of times the Doctor asked whether I had a problem with it or not. Well, I made it to the appointment right? The needles used was 0.5ML, reminded of the needles I use for Ben's insulin. So I told the doctor if my cat was here, he would have said,"Padan muka! Now is your turn". After injection, the assistant updated mySejahtera and asked us to wait at the "observation" area. I didn't feel anything at all. Not even a little headaches like everyone told me. After 15 min, we were called at the counter gave our forms back and set the appointment for the next date for 2nd dose. So, I went outside and caught up with an old friend from KPP who happened to have an appointment 30 mins before me. We talked for a bit walked to the parking lot and headed home. I missed one turn and added almost 10mins of my journey but thankfully I made it home in one peace. Until next time!


Roberta Cleopatra Flack   (February 10, 1937 – February 24, 2025) [ 3 ] [ 4 ]   was an American singer who topped the   Billboard   charts w...