Saturday, July 24, 2021


The usual, woke up to feed the cats and did my subuh prayer. Read a page of the Quran. I wasn't as nervous as the 1st Jab. After Asar prayer I prepared to go to Setia City Convention Centre (SCCC). I arrived around 6:00pm and started to register at the door. Then I realised that I didn't bring my "card"😱 and the forms I filled out during the 1st Jab and I ain't going back home to get it. It's 30min drive each way so no, I wasn't going to go back home. I told the guy at the counter they said you refer to the doctor later and you will still be allowed to get your vaccination (Phew!!). Then at the registration counter, another lady told me I had to update my "card" and urged me to come back the next day. I said OK as long as I am allowed to be vaccinated today. I looked around, there were not as many people as when I got my first jab. Or perhaps it was quite late. I got my jab. No eerie feelings just a bit "sengal" around the jab area. Considering the high rise in Covid 19 cases, the volunteers urged us not to stand around there for too long. I asked the girl at the "holding area" and she said I could go home. I asked her how about updating my card that I forgot to bring today? She said,"No need lah kak, dah ada digital cert buat apa nak waste time lagi" Deng. I rempit home to kejar Maghrib. I hoped I could make it and I did (another phew, Alhamdulillah). My car engine emitted some funky smell again. That  is another worry for another day. The important thing is I am vaccinated. I have to be extra careful at least for another 14 Days (Sinovac, other vax will have different time frames)  for the vaccine can work its magic.
Guys, get vaccinated. This Covid-19 is vicious and has taken many lives of the people who were quite close to me. Some were gone too soon. Stay safe.

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