Friday, August 20, 2021


I read in a few articles saying that 10 Muharram is special. Since decades ago, some Muslim Malaysians prepare special dishes such as Asyura Porridge (Bubur Asyura) and distribute them to the poor or neighbours. I vaguely remembered in my religious classes this event was discussed. Muslims will fast on this day and increase their good deeds so that all our sins for the past year shall be wiped out. So I dug deeper into the realm of Google search; and guess what? Wikipedia has it explained as well:  Muharram - Wikipedia 

Of course I went onto other sites with proper ulama' / Scholars explaining about 10 Muharram as well such as : Hari Asyura (in Bahasa Malaysia).

So I fast. Preferably to fast a day before Asyura or a day after it (accompanying the fasting of 10 Muharram.). Since I missed the day before Asyura, so I chose the latter and fast the day after Asyura.

For breaking the fast we had Pizza from Domino's:

Then for Maghrib prayer, Ben decided to join in. So far it was a quiet day. It was raining pretty heavily the entire day. 
I read Yasin with prayers so that we are free of Covid 19. Those who are infected will be healed soon. Those who are not vaccinated yet shall receive their dosages soon. May Allah helps us all. 🙏

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