Saturday, September 25, 2021


It's been 2 days Mr. Tuvok tak bising kat pintu waking me up as he always did…I woke up because of Azan dan Alarm. Later this morning I saw Tuvok puked white foam repeatedly. I wanted to rush to the veterinary but unfortunately they only open around 11am+- ….So I went at approximately 245pm after zohor. The one that is the nearest to my house. Mr. Tuvok super hate traveling and he meowed all the way to the clinic. Honestly I felt a bit “numb”… terasa seperti macam dah agak dah ….anak-anak Lily ni memang banyak health problem.

At the vet there were a few people so the waiting was manageable. As expected doctor suggested blood tests. Approximately 30mins later the results came in.  Tuvok has kidney problem/infections…ntah apa ntah dokter dok explain….masuk tinga kiri dan keluar semula la jawapnyer….so now kena masuk air…later bila nengok bills baru owh tau Subcuteneous Fluid…Doctor also buat manual descaling sebab Tuvok dah berumur katanya kalau dibiuskan dorg worry….so aku ok kan jelah

Possibly his diet are going to change as well. Doc said she may put Tuvok under Renal Diet.

Went home. I felt very heavy in my heart. Poor Tuvok.

It seemed like we are going to have a rough journey ahead of us.

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