Wednesday, March 5, 2008


The whole day I was updating and updating files on the computer and then transfered to the external hard disc that I bought in Sg Wang recently. All my photographs are nicely transfered to the external hardisc.

I was pretty happy with the day's work. I even transfered all the pictures from my mobile to the disc. I was pretty tired and packed my things up and ready to go. I was supposed to meet some friends but it was cancelled.

So I made my way to Bangsar to get something to eat. I was so darn fortunate to find a nice parking spot right on that Telawi Street which on any day was the hardest place to park. Yay! I got one. I was pretty impressed. In the car, my sister messaged me if I wanted anything to eat so she can order some take-outs for me. I replied to her stating how great it was to find a parking spot in the hardest part of the city..She sounded annoyed with me. I asked her to join me for dinner. She didn't sound to keen. So I walked around myself...

Oh great! Blook's having Sale! This is great! I bought a couple of Jackets and Blouses and it only cost me RM40.00 phoarrr a real bargain! I was happy as Larry...still feeling a little tired which I hadn't have my dinner yet. So I paved through...
"Ahhh Bangsar", I thought. It's never the same anymore. The memories on this street were phenomenal. Over 10 years I partied it looked so dead. I walked further...passing through...I remembered this street, even on a weekday, it was packed with avid party goers. Every one was having such a ball...these were a long time ago but they seemed like they were just happened yesterday. I was feeling a little dead inside. But the memories made me smile. I walked a little further..trying to ignore some shady looking man making a pass at me. I thought to myself, "What a d****ss.."..ahhh forget about it..

I saw Guardian was having Sales as well! This is even better, but no one went there. Bangsar must be losing it. I was also looking for Burger King which. It was no longer there! Darn, I hadn't been here for a while so I just realised that it was no longer there...bummer...Yes, I walked even further down the road....
I passed by Finnegan and I didn't dare to look in. I was too afraid it will depress me even more. Even the 'Happy Hour' crowd didn't look too happy. Wow, time has changed and I am glad that I didn't miss out on those happy days. I decided to stop by Pelita and got something to eat. I bought some Nasi Kandar with 'Ayam Kicap' and some vegies. The attendant was being a bit funny with me especially when I could decide what gravy to have with my nasi kandar. I murmured, "Tak da Kuah..." (no gravy) and he pointed to the displays and said, "Tak da kuah? Ini banyak ni.." (No gravy? There are a lot of gravies here..). I didn't know whether to laugh or sulk at that remark. After that, yes, I began to walk back to my car.

I passed by some interesting shops before I reached my ever 'lucky' parking spot. I passed by "Touches de Siam". I could smell the massage oil coming out of the door..very tempting...I almost walked in, but at the same time I was pretty hungry. So, I moved on...

I looked at the restaurant next to me...never been in here but it looked good. I had this little plan in my head that I will make my trip here... Hmm palace of India...sounds like good food....oh I remembered I had my food packed. I smiled...Quickly I reached my mobile from inside my bag...Hmmm...I should text my sister since she was so sweet wanted to get me some food...
As I saw a few lines of her message...vaguely I could hear a faint motor bike sound from behind me which I did not suspect ANY thing at all...My hand bag was almost wide open which I didn't zip it up after getting my mobile from Sony Cybershot T-20, my purse, the Hard Disc, Gucci Perfume, Mac Makeup...bla, bla, bla...

As soon as slid up the LG phone to text my sister.....BAM! The bikers took the handphone off my hand! Just like that! I screamt! But not loud enough I guess when no one even bother to look...I was not even that further away from Pelita, I am sure I was pretty loud. No, unfortunately, I was ignored. No one heard me, no one gives a shit. I could see the Bike went couldn't see the license number, rather didn't have time to see...My heart pounded so fast. For the first time after a long time, I could feel my adrenalin was pumping. I wasn't even mad. That was strange..I..felt sorry for the fellas, had to snatch my new phone away...I am grateful they didn't attack me. I am grateful they didn't drag my handbag which to me would have been a real bummer. I felt so sorry for the 2 poor souls. They have to steal? What have we become? Human can be so evil huh..Ahhh the phone..I can always get a new one..I am just darn glad nothing bad happened.. I was thinking of making a police report. But in my head, I could see the officer's face making fun of me or even insinuate that I was the one at fault..So I couldn't be bothered. I took my car keys and left BANGSAR. I went straight home. Changed my shoes into slippers and walked to the pay phone to bar my SIM card. The maxis guy was courteous enough to say,"Is there anything else I can do for you maam?" Yeah...get me a new phone dammit he he..No I didn't sat that...

I ate the nasi kandar only I lost my appetite. My sister reached home and I told her the story. She felt so sorry for me and she quickly called mum and dad. They were concerned and that was the point when I really realised that I was darn lucky that I wasn't hurt at all....Thank god for that.


Anonymous said...

This is so unfortunate. I live in Bangsar and I stumbled into this blog. Sorry about the Incident my dear.

-Hasdila Mohamed-

FunkeeDeeva said...

Thanks Hasdila
Just remind your love ones to be careful and alert at all times

Anonymous said...

why the photos deleted?


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