Monday, April 14, 2008


Yes, Jill Scott. I was browsing through youtube and all of a sudden some tunes from the past kept on ringing in my ears. For a second there, I forgot the artiste who sang this song... "He loves me". Yep, Jill Scott, that soothing voice...who can forget. I know there were a few other artistes who tried to 'mimick' Jill but they never sound quite the same. I knew her music since a long time ago when I was still a student. That song 'a long walk' remind me that street I was living in Toronto a while back.."Keele Street". That houses on the video remind me of the houses there. At one stage I thought the video was shot there but I didn't go to any length to find out only to know that Jill is not Canadian and no where in hell she could have shot the video there. I was going through my stuffs and I couldn't find any of Jill Scott's material...but I realised I left a bunch of CDs back in Toronto and I don't know who the lucky d*** has them now..O well..

You can read all about Jill in Wikipedia..So, I will not bother going into details about her career. I only want to reveal how Jill's music and voice affected me for real. AHah! Not! Who can tell how I really feel???? Psych!

Since I went through all the trouble cutting and pasting the vidz (ha ha) into this blog, just enjoy the music will ya!

Ooops sorry I couldn't find any "He loves me" with Jill in in. But I am sure you all know how Jill looks like *winks*. I love all her maybe more than another but suffice to say, from all female vocalists out there...I think Jill has the most 'soothing' effect of all. I put Jill in the same league as Erykah Badu..Holly Cole and Nell Carter. I am sure there are a few more who sound similar. I can't recall. I am sure if you are a music enthusiast, you will have better availability in finding out more about Jill and Holly and whoever....I just love Jill's voice and bonus, she has some great songs...I can never get tired of her voice..

Oh, this video probably the one I like the most from Jill;

Pretty close to the truth to some people huh... Love the 'drama' there. Talk to the hand thingy and all that..Jill, Jill, Jill she had to go there lol ;-)

Pretty cool performance on OPRAH (2001):

Go to her webby--->JILL SCOTT.COM She has some great stuffs in there and plus you can see some of her "LIVE" preformances..unlike a lot of artistes who are shit on stage, Jill on the other hand sounds amazing on stage.


Gloria said...

I love her songs!


cool jazz music

Anonymous said...

Are you in Toronto?

Adam Greyling

Anonymous said...

i can't see the videos

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this. Great songs. Definitely want to buy her album now

Anonymous said...

soothing voice


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