Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Yesterday after my physio I decided to go straight home. I bought some sandwiches at Subway then off I went. It was pretty early for my standard so went to the Gas station to have my orange baby filled up. The I realised I didn't have enough soft food for outside cats. So I stopped by 99 Speed Mart on Nova U5. On the way there I saw a food vendor van says "Putubambu" something something I can't figure the entire signage. Hey I was driving laa what do you expect kan?
After my 99 Speedmart shopping session which filled with catfood. I walked across the street to the van. A very jovial customer (not the vendor, he was all stressed up meeting demand) said to the vendor,"Abang! Ni ada kakak nak order ni bang! Cukup tak?" I realised that I may not have the chance to buy the putu bamboo. He asked me," Akak nak berapa bungkus?" I just raised my jari telunjuk indicating 'one pack'. He said,"May be cukup". So I waited. A few cars stopped by after the vendor gave them a gesture they ran out. I was like 'phew', just my lucky day. 6pm and they ran out. The vendor said to the jovial customer,"Aritu takde orang nak datang, so banyak tepung terbazir. Hari ni dah tak cukup pulak". The jovial customer said,"Orang ramai tak tau Bang! Ni dah start ramai yang tau la..."
The price:
RM3 for 5 pieces ( A friend said its standard price )
After grabbing my package which obviously I am the LAST customer, I went back to my car and drove home.
As soon as I arrived a few cats ran towards me so I had to stop the car quite far from the gate. I picked the littlest one and brought her into the car so I wont run over her. The rest dah besar, so they can take care of themselves. I parked, fed them and guess who I saw?
Miss almost looked like Lily turned up meowing away and I thought she was dead! You can refer to my blog "Fallen Angels"
Bertuah punya budak!! Terkejot che Kiah kejap. Gosh...But I felt way too relieved and I gave them extra food. Yah makan makan semua!
Happy happy joy! Alhamdulillah

The putu bamboo was made in a haste I can understand that but the rasa was alright. A bit too sweet but I am glad that they are sold there. I don't have to drive all the way to Kampung Baru to get one. But, the Kampung Baru one still the best.

I gobbled the entire thing and feeling too filled. ha ha now how to makan my meatballs subway? How?

I waited until 10pm baru makan the subway: Poohteh and Jo got some meatballs.

Ok until next blog!

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