Friday, August 13, 2021



At around 6am, I got out of Bed and went downstairs to feed the cats and take wudu' for subuh prayer. Normally Ben will be right at the door and ran downstairs with the rest of 6 other furries. Usually he was the impatience one. But today....nope he was just sitting on the couch. I went to him. He looked as if he's in a lot of pain and breathing rapidly. I waited until around 8:30am to email his usual vet. I hadn't got in touch with her for more than a year I think. But I must do something. I wanted to bring to the nearby vet but my heart just tell me better deal with vet that know Ben's history. Great thing she  answered back and requested for a video of Ben. From the look of it Ben didnt struggle breathing from his mouth so thats a good thing but she then asked me to count Ben's breathing intervals in 15s. I counted around 18. She asked me to bring Ben in today. So packed Ben's insulin and off to the vet. Too many things in my head at the time. The vet is actually on leave but she will get her colleague to attend to Ben. She alerted me due to MCO there could be 1-2 hr waiting. I understood. However, she assured me that she will get her colleague to give Ben a priority. 
I was quite lucky as I arrived a parking spot just present itself right in front of me near the hospital. Usually I had to make many rounds for availability. I didn't want to simply dump my car but i would if i had to. But today is a lucky day. The waiting wasn't too long either, we were attended to within 30 mins from the time we arrived. The doctor suggested for x-ray and blood test. Visually, yes Ben's breathing was pretty rapid. So Ben went for his x-ray and blood taken immediately. I waited outside. Didn't know what to think. I hate hospitals, humans or animals, super depressing. Earlier on I heard 2 pet owners conversation. One was just bringing his dog for routine checkup, one had to put his dog to sleep due to cancer. It was heart wrenching listening to that conversation. 
Anyway, Doc suggested Ben to be warded for further test just to rule out certain things. He has minor flu and mouth ulcer which explained why he refused to eat the kibbles. The x-ray showed his lung is clear so its a relief. But to be sure they need to observe Ben more. I said OK. After I paid the deposit I headed out and I saw that dog which was PTS covered in white towels. The owner was bringing him back for funeral.
On my way home, I sobbed.

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