We finally made it to IKEA, heck I don't know what time it was but I guess we barely made it for a little shopping and voila! ..to the IKEA restaurant! Woo hoo! My sister said she wanted the chicken and when we reached the counter and thank Almighty God, even though the food was almost gone, we were left with 2 servings of 10s Swedish Meatballs! Yipee!
We also got ourselves some Swedish Cake for dessert. The meatballs were probably not as great as they should be early during the day. The plus part was we got extra 2 meatballs on my sister plates. The cashier was making a snotty remark but we couldn't be bothered about that. I told her we did not 'take' the 2 extras on our own. They did. So, do not ever freaking charge us for the 2 miserable meatballs. They didn't charge us. Phew, that saved us from unnecessary commotion...considering how irritable I was..the situation was under control.