Thursday, February 28, 2008


Today, I saw IKEA advertisement on the paper. I was not intrigued with the 'Sales' but rather diverted the imagination to the Swedish Meatballs that kept on appearing in my brain these past few days. Yes, I am a sucker for food. The whole afternoon I was thinking about this dish. So, I texted my sister whether she could get away a little earlier than usual from work. She immediately called me up and said 'yes'. I was counting time..
At around 5:30pm I became restless and all I could think about IKEA, IKEA, IKEA...I quickly packed my things up and made the attempt to shoot off. Some of my colleagues insinuated that I stayed a little longer in the office. I quickly made the slugging remarks saying that I too want to have a life. If that was ever true....
Then I drove off home so that I could pick my sister up only to be caught in a traffic Jam. I became restless and of course I was hungry as hell. My sister called me, she was home earlier. Her office was in the heart of the City, but she made it home before me! Life is not fair at all. I was impatiently waited in the car that I almost hit a car in front of me while in the crawl. Suffice to say that I was dead close...God must love me. I reached home safely and I saw my sister was waiting as well and she complained that I was slow. We took off at around 7:30pm. We were then caught in another crawl near Taman Tun Dr Ismail. O Dear, there were way too many cars in this city.
As I made that turn to IKEA, while my sister was busy on the phone with mom, I asked her briefly, "Which way?", She indicated ,"Left! left!" and I immediately (felt that I took a wrong turn) turned into a junction and ended up it was the wrong way. My sister, immediately hung the phone and said, "This is wrong!". I brushed her off,"Well young lady, it was your freaking idea to turn left, genius!". We were in a circle for a little while and I must say it was pretty frustrating considering how hungry and tired I was.

We finally made it to IKEA, heck I don't know what time it was but I guess we barely made it for a little shopping and voila! the IKEA restaurant! Woo hoo! My sister said she wanted the chicken and when we reached the counter and thank Almighty God, even though the food was almost gone, we were left with 2 servings of 10s Swedish Meatballs! Yipee!

We also got ourselves some Swedish Cake for dessert. The meatballs were probably not as great as they should be early during the day. The plus part was we got extra 2 meatballs on my sister plates. The cashier was making a snotty remark but we couldn't be bothered about that. I told her we did not 'take' the 2 extras on our own. They did. So, do not ever freaking charge us for the 2 miserable meatballs. They didn't charge us. Phew, that saved us from unnecessary commotion...considering how irritable I was..the situation was under control.

We ate and ate and it was great to see my sister ate as much. She must enjoyed the meatballs. I enjoyed the meatballs as well. We both got soft drinks and coffee. As many people know the drinks and coffee were refillable at no charge. We were planning on being bloated but fortunately there was simply not enough time.

A few hours went by just like that. IKEA was preparing to call it a night. We were nicely 'kicked out' by the announcement. I paid the bills of the things that I bought and headed to the car-park. We reached home and went straight to bed. It was worth it....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Monday, February 25, 2008


I love Sushi. I am not Japanese, but I love Sushi. I get cravings for Sushi every week. So, I have to have Sushi at least once a week. Sometimes I will scout for places to go in town or just go to Jusco to get some ready made Sushi over the counter. Today, I did just that. I went over to Mid Valley Mega Mall and voila! all my prayers were answered. I got quite greedy by getting the whole set of eight salmon shushi (sake sushi) and some Eels (Unagi). The funny part was, my sister, she thought that Unagi was just some fish so she literally 'whacked' a whole lot of them a few weeks ago. Then when she learned that it was eel she almost fainted. Duh! Now I think she wouldn't even want to look at them ha ha.
I turned the TV on and watched ST-the next generation while enjoying my salmon sushi then I realized that I bought a little bit too much sushis. Pretty ambitious eh! Well, I ended up saving the Unagi for another day. The salmon sushi were marvellous.
I cheated a little, I took a little bite off the Unagi. They were delish as well. But I was too full. So, there you go, another addition to my collection in that bachelor fridge.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Valentine's day is here! I am sure some couples are busy planning the evening and reviving dull love live and re-living sexy moments. It's been a while since I last celebrate V day. Even when I was in a relationship, V-day didn't really do much for me at the time. Now, that I am single, I thought I was missing out..But love can be in many forms; Love for god, Love for parents, Love for children, Love for the unfortunates, Love for life, the list can go on. So, I am NOT missing out. I still have my parents to say Happy V-day to. I still have my brothers and sister to say Happy V-day to...I am all for love, for love is this 'sacred' thing. People need love to survive. People need love to get through the day. Those who claimed need no love to live, they are obviously BS-ing. If we don't have love, we are not human. V-day is not part of my culture and far from my religion. But, I have come to appreciate the 'good' intention it brings. To appreciate love will make me a better person. I hope it will make the better people throughout the entire planet earth. I read in the newspaper, some people in India was demonstrating to boycott V-day. Some people in Thailand was giving -ve feedback on V-day..I am sad for them, for what I can do is to wish them well. Those who read this, cherish the love you have around you. Appreciate the good things. We are still the most fortunate people in the world because we have this funny thing call LOVE. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


We had a meeting in the office and my boss decided to adjourn the meeting into a nice dinner gathering with some of the staffs. He decided to take us to Rick's Cafe in Bangsar. We did not make any reservation but apparently one of the Share holders of this place is his friend. So, our arrival was anticipated with a great welcome. I took 3 of my colleagues in my car and all in there were 16 of us. Big group huh and apparently we have great appetite as well.
The decor was very nice. Well, I watched this "Casablanca" movie anyway and of course it was no where near the real thing. I was expecting the black singer playing piano in the middle of the crowd and that was not the case in Rick's Cafe the Malaysian version but suffice the experience was not disappointing to us.
This table tea light candle lamp was one of the decors that I find really interesting in here. I saw this type of lamp in many other restaurants but they did not sit well with the rest of the decor. Anyway, this did the trick somehow..


This was my appetizer. The chicken liver pate with port orange. The texture was really smooth and went down really smoothly especially when paired with the port orange.

Chicken and Moroccan Rice. I didn't get to taste the chicken so no comment. It looked good though. My colleague made a good remark, so I guess it must be alright.


I ordered the Salmon with Udon. Simply delish! Only one comment, on the menu it said Trout. This is by far a Salmon. The guy made a mistake. Just admit your mistakes. Some customers do know about food my not simply BS your customers....
The Lamb Chops. Underneath the succulent Meat, there was this amazing mashed potatoes. The gravy was a little bitter but this suits most 'Malaysian' palate.


One of my colleagues ordered this Mango Sorbet. It's delicious and refreshing. Yes, as kepo as I am, I tasted some of it. I then ordered this dessert.

The Coffee Creme Brulee. The caramelized sugar was done nicely and it did sit nicely with the bitterness of the Coffee.

This dessert is really out of this world. The Banana Souffle and Chocolate Ice Cream did go well together. My friend had this and I had a little tasting. Too bad I had mine. They say if you want to test a real Chef, you should ask him/her to make Souffle. If it's perfect, he/she is a great chef. I do not know how far this is true for I am not a Chef connoisseur. We went home with stomach filled with joy. It's pretty pricy for average Malaysian but I must say it was worth it especially when someone else foot the bills ha ha!

As of 2009, Rick's Cafe has closed down.


Roberta Cleopatra Flack   (February 10, 1937 – February 24, 2025) [ 3 ] [ 4 ]   was an American singer who topped the   Billboard   charts w...