Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I am excited and I will wait patiently for the Movie! It is going to premier in London instead of NY on 12th May 2008. I have the entire 6 seasons of the TV series on DVD.
It is amazing how the lives of NY women apply to pretty much people all over the world plus minus the intensity.
I for certain know a lot of women who had the similar experiences to the women in the TV series. I also know a few women who actually lived through the TV series mimicking the similar situations, perhaps minus the absolute hunk up there. Sounds pathetic? Well that's the tough reality.
I do not expect the movie to be any better than the series simply because the series brought the audience and fans through series of events that accentuate the drama tackling every issues women face on daily basis while an hour half movie can not cramp everything inside. It will be interesting to see which issues that the movie shall portray.
Yes. I will wait and see very soon (or later on DVD).


Monday, April 28, 2008


This evening while enjoying some "my" time on a Sunday, the melancholy mood was brought to a halt for a moment after reading this article from "Argus Lite" while searching for places to go on the web;
"A campaign to bring in tougher regulations for lapdancing clubs has been launched.
Hove MP Celia Barlow and Brighton and Hove city councillor Gill Mitchell went to Parliament to call for a change to the Licensing Act 2003 which has left councils powerless to stop strip clubs opening.
Since the new law came into effect in November 2005, six venues in Brighton and Hove have been granted the right to hold fully-nude dancing.

Before the change, two venues - Top Totty, Grand Parade, Brighton, and The Pussycat Club, Church Road ,Hove - had licences for semi-naked entertainment.
Following the closure of Pussycat Club in Hove, three venues regular hold lapdancing.
Ms Barlow has been at the forefront of the campaign to change the legislation which puts lapdancing on a par with karaoke bars or ballet clubs.
The campaign by the organisation OBJECT seeks to classify lap dancing clubs as 'Sex Encounter Establishments', which will allow local councils the power to decide where these clubs can open.
Are strip clubs good for Brighton and Hove? Join the debate below."

Well, I am not going to join the debate. I am neither from Brighton nor Hove so, it is not my place to give ANY remark regarding to this topic but I can't help it but wonder...what KIND of regulations? "DO NOT TOUCH!" ahak! It's hard not to huh while watchin those booties wiggling right at ya! "DO NOT GET EXCITED AND GET CARRIED AWAY!"
Oh, and the debate; are strip clubs good Brighton and Hove? I must say it's a very very tough debate we have here. I hate to be the mayor(s) of these places ;-)

Brighton and Hove should decide carefully what type of regulations they should have when it comes to "Lap Dance", better still...go to Thailand to get a few insights ;-)

Ahhh I better get some sleepies and think of some places to go to if I ever get a holiday..I am certain I will not go to Brighton or Hove anytime soon. I am pretty scared of these 'tougher regulations' business.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

CO DO - Revisited

What is it about this restaurant that I kept going back to? Well this place has amazingly tasty food and the price does not hurt my pocket so I can't complaint and I can't help it but to keep on coming here.

The truth is, this restaurant situated in my favorite mall (mid valley megamall). I usually will do my shopping here and when I am tired and hungry, CODO sort of waved at me. I love the ambiance. I like the friendly staffs. I like the fact that the variety of Vietnamese food, suit my Asian palate.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Last week, a colleague of mine fell sick...she had dengue! Aweful huh! I was buzee till I could not visit her in the hospital (Baaad baaad friend). So I texted her wishing well and I promised her, if she got well, I would treat her to her favorite place; TONY ROMA. Who the H is Tony? Ha ha.. like I care who he long as this place has great food...who cares rite? Today, after my meetings with some clients and errand ran....I picked her up and another colleague for lunch at the curve. I didn't take many pics coz I was focussing on eating..

Ooooo yeah!!!!! The onion rings have evolved to a different level altogether!!!!!

doesn't it look like mojito? Nah, just some juices with perrier. They were having some perrier promo and we were the suckerszzz!
Carribean Perrier he he
Tasty Mash
Damn pigs ha ha..the ribs were licked clean!

Pasta! Pasta! Pasta!

Tony Roma's special sauces! Awesome with the ribs!

Ribbon Pasta with Shrimps

Lamb Chop

Once again, we went back to the office bloated as hell. Just thinking about it made me fat ha ha. Someone who I adore very much told me that looking at my blog ...people mite think I have a problem..YES! I do have a problem! I love to eat too much and I think I have achieved some quality cellulite from that! *evil laughs*

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


This place is quite hidden if you don't know where it is. It has been around for a while now. I was introduced to this place by my ex-boss a few years back. I brought my family here from time to time. They enjoyed the food here very much..yep, very "Malaysian". We were upset when they only serve lunch.
The place is HOT, literally, under the blazing hot sun, big huge hot grills everywhere...still, if you come here after midday, you couldn't get a place to sit. However weird it may seem, the taste of these fresh fishes were amazing. After you began eating you would forget how HOT the environment was...So today the few people from my office suggested we went here for a change, away from "mamak" (indian) food which we had been having quite a lot lately.
Here we go:
Ikan Terubuk
HOT sauce
Plain Rice
Sotong Bakar Grilled Big Squid

Ikan Sembilang Bakar Grilled Catfish, Ikan Pari Bakar Grilled Stingray
ABC - Air Batu Campur
More Grilled MORE FISH!
We came back to the office feeling bloated ha ha! One of my colleagues said to rationalize the amount of food we had...,"It's alright..we had plenty of OMEGA 3!" Yeah uranus! :p:p

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I am in marketing and I should enjoy doing power point presentation. No, I despice it with all my heart. There are amazing things that you can do with power point presentation but I swear to God that to do these things from scratch are out of this world. Time consuming and when you were trying to translate 'their' thinking into words are absolutely pain the b*** and a s******* nightmare. Recently, I had to prepare for a presentation which was presented by 'other' people, however, I had to visualise what 'they' wanted to present while I was doing the 'cosmetic' + trying to do mind reading. That was not a pleasant experience but I had to, to prove I could do these things.
I had to change things like mad, I felt like a pure 'graphic' designer without 'passion' to do them. I was staying up late forgot about food and ended up went to bed starving or ate too late. I was told by some 'younger' people that they had accomplished what I did, 1/2 of the time and with better 'graphic' than that. I felt like I wanted to smack that 'boy'. "Hey! why did you have to put yourself through all these agony? When I was in school, we used *flash* and we had tremendous things done within minutes!"...O yes I am sure of that and I wished he could have said that to me EARLIER! I could just freaking pay this boy to do the bloody animation and I did not have to spend hours in the office and my house doing freaking power point presentation! Duh! Here's the example:
1. Thursday...editing presentation, some said put this put that, throw this throw that.
2. Friday..ok..looked awful...change this change that...put this put that, throw this throw that...
Went home...edit....edit....8:00pm ate sumthing...put on startrek...edit....edit....edit....1:00 or was it 2:00am?...went to sleep on the couch...
3. Saturday...woke up switched on the TV (since I fell asleep on the couch..TV was just an arm's reach)...then
put on startrek...edit...edit.....everybody asked me to email to them...yeah...ppt presentation...big it....emailed...OMG I am just tired writing this....
OK...fell asleep on the couch again....
4. Sunday...tried to be a little civilised did a little bit of laundry and shower....2pm..arrived in the office and continued with the ppt presentation...and I forgot to have lunch...edit...edit....edit.... the presenter came in and had a look...went through a little bit here and there...another fella came in and said this and that...changed this and that and finally got the vote said...hey between us lets just say, "F*** it! Just stick to the design and not change any thing other than *content*!" I concur...only I was still left to do the cosmetic part of the presentation up til Midnite..and yes ...on a sunday...printed everything out and oh...I also managed to arrange the caterer...phuh at this time I felt like a wonder woman minus the super power.
5. woo hooo Monday!.the D day...the ppt presentation is going to be presented...
The lady that I was dealing with for the past week or so was so looking forward to see my dark circled eyed face. I was trying so hard to smile. Saw the guy we were supposed to give the presentation to...he was bouncy but I was not in the bouncy mood....there were a bunch of 'french' delegates had a meeting with him first and my eyes were quite sore..ahaa...not from the lack of sleep but one of the frenchees wore a 'maroon' suit. Ya haa welcome to freakin pareee with a 'great' sense of fashion and color...I was well entertained...ha ha
I peeked in the meeting room...the room was huge and expected spectator was 4 people..hmmm...I was like...perhaps...we all could be teachers...
After that, turned out that the guy we were suppose to present to had only "15 minutes" to spare on my two hour long presentation. I froze. The very 'hard-work' just flashed right before my eyes and flushed right down the toilet. Luckily he agreed that we 'briefly' presented to him thr gist of the presentation and gave us some hope that we will get more projects in the future.
We went to the conference room and saw the others were all ready and the meeting was chaired by a different person..but hey life must go on.... I saw some fell asleep but I was not offended because that was their way...I dealt with this client for more than 5 years...I know their style..only I felt like I should have just do the ppt presentation with white background, bullet points and no animation....they probably stick better in their heads.
The presentation went well and the presenter did a great job. I must learn how to be as eloquent as he was. I hope when I re-read this blog...I will be a 'millionaire' because of this presentation. And yeah...the caterer turned up...the food was wonderful....what was the title of this blog again? excruciating something something?....Oh I found food..everything will be alright...

Sunday, April 20, 2008


I heard of her quite sometimes back and lately her songs were on my mind. Her voice was definitely unique. One of the songs that kept on ringing in my ear was "Get here". This ballad is one of the best 'love' songs I ever heard. One of the very facets of love to have the one you love next to you. What better way to express that then the way Oleta did in this song.
On Karaoke...I heart this song (Get here). Yes, I will sing this song over and over again until someone threw something at me *winks*. No sh**! I can sing this song!
Well, Oleta was born in Seattle in May 4, 1964. She was raised in Yakima, Washington State. She is based in Missouri.
If you want read about her more...I guess I can lead you to her promoter/agent/whatever ha ha ~~~> Oleta Adams-de la font
Here are some of her greatest hits;

GET HERE (on youtube)
Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me on youtube
New York State of Mind
Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight
Rhythm of Life
Circle of One
Woman in Chains
Holy Is the Lamb
Never Knew Love
I Just Had to Hear Your Voice
Lover's Holiday
I Knew You When
Window of Hope
My Heart Won't Lie
WE WILL MEET AGAIN (on youtube)

"Music is a universal language" - (way too many people had said this and I don't know who started it...)

Enjoy the music while you still can (while youtube is still free)

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Today was a little hectic. I was co-ordinating a huge presentation for this coming monday. There were managers from all my sites gathered in the Headquarters to give input for this 'major' presentation to pitch for bigger jobs . There were food (in between the meeting) but I didn't have much appetite during the mind challenging meeting. After the meeting which was quite late by the time we finished, I felt really hungry. The rest of the team had gone home. I quickly drove home.

I dropped by a restaurant where I ordered a Chicken Tandoori and Cheese Naan. They were absolutely delicious. I had these naan before from different Indian Restaurants but so far, the naan from Shukran's were still the best I had ever had.

This was the sauce to dip in. Spicy but tasty.

I had a great time eating this meal. The tandoori was just right. Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The Naan was smooth and the cheese was just the right amount
Right after the meal I felt whole again. I didn't realise I was that hungry. I was glad that the restaurant was just around the corner. Now, if I ever want a great naan and tandoori, it will be just a walking distance and I don't have to worry about who to go eat with. I just 'tapau' !
Right after that, I had more clarity to do more work..oh no no...I am NOT a workaholic. I just had a loong loong day and there were still a lot to be done.
Shukran = Thank you (arabic) = Indian Restaurant chain, Malaysia
Tapau = Take out (Chinese)

Monday, April 14, 2008


Yes, Jill Scott. I was browsing through youtube and all of a sudden some tunes from the past kept on ringing in my ears. For a second there, I forgot the artiste who sang this song... "He loves me". Yep, Jill Scott, that soothing voice...who can forget. I know there were a few other artistes who tried to 'mimick' Jill but they never sound quite the same. I knew her music since a long time ago when I was still a student. That song 'a long walk' remind me that street I was living in Toronto a while back.."Keele Street". That houses on the video remind me of the houses there. At one stage I thought the video was shot there but I didn't go to any length to find out only to know that Jill is not Canadian and no where in hell she could have shot the video there. I was going through my stuffs and I couldn't find any of Jill Scott's material...but I realised I left a bunch of CDs back in Toronto and I don't know who the lucky d*** has them now..O well..

You can read all about Jill in Wikipedia..So, I will not bother going into details about her career. I only want to reveal how Jill's music and voice affected me for real. AHah! Not! Who can tell how I really feel???? Psych!

Since I went through all the trouble cutting and pasting the vidz (ha ha) into this blog, just enjoy the music will ya!

Ooops sorry I couldn't find any "He loves me" with Jill in in. But I am sure you all know how Jill looks like *winks*. I love all her maybe more than another but suffice to say, from all female vocalists out there...I think Jill has the most 'soothing' effect of all. I put Jill in the same league as Erykah Badu..Holly Cole and Nell Carter. I am sure there are a few more who sound similar. I can't recall. I am sure if you are a music enthusiast, you will have better availability in finding out more about Jill and Holly and whoever....I just love Jill's voice and bonus, she has some great songs...I can never get tired of her voice..

Oh, this video probably the one I like the most from Jill;

Pretty close to the truth to some people huh... Love the 'drama' there. Talk to the hand thingy and all that..Jill, Jill, Jill she had to go there lol ;-)

Pretty cool performance on OPRAH (2001):

Go to her webby--->JILL SCOTT.COM She has some great stuffs in there and plus you can see some of her "LIVE" preformances..unlike a lot of artistes who are shit on stage, Jill on the other hand sounds amazing on stage.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Remember this vid? Once upon a time Daft Punk was makin series of these? (You may wanna go to youtube and look at the whole interstella 5555 series of Daft Punk and of course in your own sweet time to understand the whole freakin thing..and of course those ol skool hags might have already known about this *winks*)

Well, just for the heck of things, I am dedicating this song to those who stumbled into my blog and been in love for a long time!

Lyric to hum along..try's a therapy!:

It might not be the right time

I might not be the right one

But there's something about us I want to say

Cause there's something between us anyway

I might not be the right one

It might not be the right time

But there's something about us I've got to do

Some kind of secret I will share with you

I need you more than anything in my life

I want you more than anything in my life

I'll miss you more than anyone in my life

I love you more than anyone in my life

Phewh! I am feeling a little tired just humming to this one! Enjoy! If you still don't know who the heck these people are (Daft Punk of coz)..That may be a sign that you are too young to know..ssssshhhhhhhh...Daft Punk! Make some more music will ya!

Friday, April 4, 2008


My office is da bomb! Our BIG boss said today that since we had been such good boys and girls, we deserved a good lunch. Some was a little hesitant to go but who could resist good food? This was totally unplanned. That spur of the moment, we managed to gather 27 of us. That many? That shows we are growing...healthy and well. That was why the big boss wanted us to eat healthy. Plus, this should be good to boost our morale after long hours of work days after days..... There were several cars transported us to the restaurant downtown. As planned, we reached Insaf restaurant just in time for lunch and we were hungry. To seat 27 people in this restaurant was no problem.The big boss ordered for us (we wouldn't want to upset the appreciator now do we?), so let the MAN do his ordering;
Beriyani with fried chicken and popodum
Beef rendang
Mutton rendang
Deep fried Squid
Big Prawn Sambal
Mango Dessert

Thank you boss! We loved the food and we appreciate your appreciation of our 'hard' work. We will work better and produce better result :)

psst...we get bonus don't we?????


Roberta Cleopatra Flack   (February 10, 1937 – February 24, 2025) [ 3 ] [ 4 ]   was an American singer who topped the   Billboard   charts w...