Friday, August 29, 2008


Sounds awful isn't it? I have to agree it sounds and feels awful. The thought that you had to do work while everyone else is sleeping made it even worst. My mind stopped functioning and my body all aching from the lack of movements sitting in front of the computer punching and crunching numbers doing the ridiculous things. My friends stopped calling me for I live in different time zone and a shamble to make plans with me. Nevertheless, I am still hoping that ONE fine day, I will not have to work late or stay over night onto the next day at the office just to meet deadlines...
On that note, I want to thank Nurul, Jai and Wada for staying on, helping me out putting together millions of ringgit worth of contract proposals. I hope the bosses will recognise our effort and commitment.

Friday, August 8, 2008


One friday night, I was surely in my jammies, didn't want to go out, cold mask all over the face, then there's this one phonecall;

Ring! Ring!

FD: Hello?
FDGF: Hellooooo! What are you doing girl???
FD: Helloooo Makwe! Nothing really, just effing around... What's up?
FDGF: Yaaaa..I was wondering what you were doing..hey a GF of mine has this place in Damansara Intan, a pub/bar kind of place, wanna join us? I am going there for the first time as well, so, comelah! It's near that San Francisco Steak know the area right?
FD: I am in my jammies...but..heck...I'll jump in the shower...
FDGF: Go shower, when I found the place I will text you the exact location.
FD: Ok! See ya later

Soooo...I did that stunt again, 10mins shower, 5mins makeup, 2 mins picked whateva to wear, 5mins blowdry hair..phooh 22 mins!!!!! I was on the road to this place called VR-1 Cafe.

As I reached the area, I kind of missed it the first time, then I saw some people at a Karaoke joint nearby and asked,
"Abang!(brother), Kat mana VR-1(where's VR-1)?"
Bro: "Itu..yg pintu merah tu...tapi adik kena pusing lalu ikut depan" (ok..I can't be bothered to translate this he he)
FD: "Thank you Bang!"
Bro:"Sama-sama dik..alhamdulillah..cantik dan berbudi bahasa adik ni" (ya...he said I was courteous alrite *winks*)

I drove to the right place and parked smack down at the front of the joint. I could hear the blazing sound of a live band....sounded very good though. So, I walked in...Most of the people were already getting 'pissed'...Oh...I forgot...they were also watching Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony live on the big screen a few hours the place was pretty packed up.

I walked over to my GFs and...Suffice to say we were almost louder than the band he he.

A local singer-friend walked in and said hello and said to me,"Lama tak nampak? Mana sembunyi (long time no see, where have you been hiding)?"

He then sang a song for the crowd and he was still good.

The band was great. Apparently, one of the partners at VR-1 was in music industry and he knows a lot of great local bands and singers.

I had a great time.

You guys should check this place out ;-)

VR-1, Damansara Intan- Just a couple of doors away from San Francisco Steakhouse or visit:

Oh ya, some pics on flickr might tempt ya ;-)

1. The Band
5. Karaoke Session later...late...


Makan, makan, makan, makan and makan! (eat! eat! eat!....). That's all I know. I do love to eat. So..on a friday afternoon while the muslim gentlemen went for their friday prayers, I gathered the ladies to go to this place nearby the courthouse in Jalan Duta. I know of this place when I was doing a site inspection a few years back. There's this particular store #3 which sells "prawn noodles" to die for. Unfortunately, when we reached there the store was closed. So we settled for other food which were as delicious. The place was swamped with people who were going to the mosque (selera putra was just the opposite if Jalan Duta Mosque). So, if you ever want to go there on a friday, the ladies..go at 1:00pm, the gentlemen were almost gone..he he..The can go to this place at 12:00pm! lol. As usual, this photographer took some pics for the occassion especially when it was 08.08.08! :

My colleagues:


The ice kacang:

As usual, a lunch well done. Back to the office!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I am not really a fan for 'lounge' lobby type of live band entertainment...phoooh certainly described "Crossroad" at Concorde Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. But...but..this time was an exception. One of the colleagues was in distress, so, I thought I kept this fella company to see some live music. 3 Music Bands! They were pretty good. In the past, I was never really tempted to walk in. Still, not really tempted to walk in again unless if I am in a big group (I have my own reasons for not being tempted to walk in and rather not discuss about them here lol). However, if you really ran out of idea of where to go on a slow can just drop by Concorde Hotel in KL and pick a corner at the crossroad to listen to 3 good bands. They play requests from the audience and they are certainly very very friendly to you...Oh, this place has a theme song too. Each band at the end of their session will sing this theme song to indicate thats the end of their bit. One thing for sure, you will not see 'young' crowd. Part of it because the songs were also pretty 'old school' and the scary part was I know the lyrics..shiaghhh. Yup, I took some snapshots here too for you to verify what I just wrote here; Band1,Band1(2),Band1(3),the sax man,dancing,dancing (2),band(2),band 2,ambiance,Band 3.
It was alright for me but my colleague enjoyed it. Maybe this is more of your cup of tea..No?


I really like this building. It's unique design and the Ministry that occupied this building made it hard to ignore whenever you are in Putrajaya, Malaysia. I was in this building many times doing various business transactions. Sometimes, whenever I was in the vicinity, I will drive past see if the Minister would come out and play.... ha ha...nah...Recently, I was there to have a look if we can offer some building maintenance services to this building. The building is still pretty new. Still, as human beings need food to live, buildings need maintenance to last longer. Perhaps, one day, we will be able to do good to this building. In the mean time, if you guys ever in Putrajaya, please drive by this building..who knows...the ministers might come out and give you money $$$$$$$ wooo wooooot!
I took a few snapshots of this building.
You can view them on my Flickr:
exterior 1,
looking up,

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I was here before but I didn't bring my camera. So, This time around, I brought my camera but too lazy to upload. Well, I came here for the food and also to bribe my sister for driving me around today. To have a glimpse at the food...perhaps you can visit my flickr page:
  1. Spaghetti and Shrimps wider view:---> pic
  2. Tacos:---> pic
  3. Tacos:---> pic
  4. Tacos: ---> pic
  5. Menu:---> pic
Of course there were varieties of pancakes available but I was more into whatever else available. I ordered Tacos and surprisingly they were one of the tastiest tacos I ever tasted since Taco Bell ha ha. We finished the food and headed home. We wanted to buy some more food for later but I was already feeling bloated so whats the point huh. I felt like I gained a few kilos ha ha


I sent my car for servicing this morning. Since I didn't have any appointment, the car was scheduled to be done pretty late during the day. I had to go back to the office but I had no car so I called my sister up if she could drive me to the office since she had her day off today. She said OK. By the time she arrived, it was almost lunch time and my tummy was growling..bad...I asked her to make this turn which led us to this Malay restaurant called Anjung Merah II. I was introduced to this place by my ex-colleague almost 2 years ago. It was only 12:30pm and there were already a lot of people there. The food must be still as delicious as I could remember before. It was such a pleasure seeing my sister eating 'well'. I am glad I brought her here. We ate and ate like there was no tomorrow ha ha. If you are ever nearbly Proton COE in USJ and love Malay food, do drop by this place. It was worth it.

Once again, I arrived in the office feeling full. I could do a little bit of work and started to think about food again..oops my car in the workshop....

Monday, August 4, 2008


Someone declared that Monday seemed to be Azi's day for the past few weeks. I think he might be right coz 'mon' in french means 'my' and's MY DAY! hmmmmmm...brilliant!

Hah ha haha haaa

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Saturday night...hmmmm...Usually the 'partying' night...I decided to join my colleagues and an ex colleague for dinner to somewhere 'different' than my 'usual' hangouts. Nurul, Jai and Intan picked me up from the house and we had a little chat then headed to Kg. Dato' Senu in KL to this 'Kampung'-style restaurant. Jumi and son and K followed us. So, there were 7 of us. We ordered quite a fairbit of food but they were all very delicious.

My colleague and son
BFF! (Best friends forever...LOL)
(click on the pic to view large)

It's good to indulge...

Beautiful and refreshing drinks

Mixed Seafood Tomyam!!!!! Ooooo Laaa Laaaa
L-R : Cucur ikan bilis (crunchy and delicious!), Steamed Siakap (awesome taste) and Mixed Vegies (no comment on this one coz I aint vegie fan)
if you feel like the pix are a bit out of shape or pixel...just click on it and you can view large

Buttered Tiger Prawns
This is when you ate too much hah hah hah..the boy had to take care of the mumsy!
Over indulgence..absolutely! But this is recommended (Only when you are not on a strict diet of course). The food was awesome and the companies were needed. It was good to catch up with old friends anyway. Food, gossips..etcetra etcetra....Take your time to add variety to your diet. Take your time to gossip he will make you stay youngerrrrrr....booo yaaah!


Roberta Cleopatra Flack   (February 10, 1937 – February 24, 2025) [ 3 ] [ 4 ]   was an American singer who topped the   Billboard   charts w...