Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Very nice of Google to do this 💓

31 August 1957 - Malaysia was declared independent from "The British Empire". 64 years, a lot has happened. A lot has changed. And with the covid-19 Pandemic, the mood for celebration has gone to 0.000001. 
With that sombre note, I wish all Malaysians Happy Independence Day.

Saturday, August 28, 2021


A Malaysian prominent figure died of covid-19 today. Someone close to me is confirmed +ve covid for the 2nd time. A friend, who followed SOP, completed 2 dosage of vaccines,  double masked, face shielded, yadaa yadaa the who shebang....still infected.... Front-liners are snappy, they are overly exhausted, KKM staffs are all snappy...they are overly tired. New cases are rising every day. Politicians? I do not want to go there. 

Covid 19 is nasty

So what are we little people to do?

Out there to make a living or stay indoor and die of starvation?

Easy for rich people to snap at the dilemma. 

I really hope things get better soon. May those who are fighting with Covid make full recovery soon. 
Alfatihah to the departed. 

Stay safe

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Photo Courtesy of 20th Century Fox - Movie: Day After Tomorrow

A friend died today.

Cancer was the reason.

I didn't get the chance to say sorry.

Nor I had the chance to say that he was forgiven.

Rest in Peace GC

Stay strong LC

Saturday, August 21, 2021


So many have died. So many are in critical conditions. So many families are going through sadness. I decided to help some souls out there remotely. So I recited surah Yasin for those who have passed, people who are being intubated, in critical conditions and their families.

My heart really went out for them.

I also pray for the front-liners.

Friday, August 20, 2021


I read in a few articles saying that 10 Muharram is special. Since decades ago, some Muslim Malaysians prepare special dishes such as Asyura Porridge (Bubur Asyura) and distribute them to the poor or neighbours. I vaguely remembered in my religious classes this event was discussed. Muslims will fast on this day and increase their good deeds so that all our sins for the past year shall be wiped out. So I dug deeper into the realm of Google search; and guess what? Wikipedia has it explained as well:  Muharram - Wikipedia 

Of course I went onto other sites with proper ulama' / Scholars explaining about 10 Muharram as well such as : Hari Asyura (in Bahasa Malaysia).

So I fast. Preferably to fast a day before Asyura or a day after it (accompanying the fasting of 10 Muharram.). Since I missed the day before Asyura, so I chose the latter and fast the day after Asyura.

For breaking the fast we had Pizza from Domino's:

Then for Maghrib prayer, Ben decided to join in. So far it was a quiet day. It was raining pretty heavily the entire day. 
I read Yasin with prayers so that we are free of Covid 19. Those who are infected will be healed soon. Those who are not vaccinated yet shall receive their dosages soon. May Allah helps us all. 🙏

Sunday, August 15, 2021


I received an email from the vet this morning:


We did an echocardiogram (heart ultrasound) on Ben but we didn’t see anything alarming from the ultrasound.

We also rechecked its urine and to ensure there is no ketone.

So far from all the diagnostic tests (blood test, X-ray and heart ultrasound), Ben has been cleared.
Do you want to bring Ben back to monitor?
We think that Ben is having slight fast breathing but he is breathing comfortably now. We think it could be due to him being nervous in the hospital.

Phew....All is looking well. After 3 days at the hospital, Ben is home safely. I am RM1K++ poorer but felt like RM10K happier. Alhamdulillah

Later, someone I know contributed RM500 for Ben's Medical. God bless her and her family 🙏✌

I got the same parking spot as I admitted Ben 3 days ago.....

Saturday, August 14, 2021



At 11:21am today, the vet from where Ben was warded called to update. She told me that Ben didn’t want any kibbles but he ate the wet food. Blood test was alright but on x-ray his heart was a bit bigger / enlarged than usual cat. He doesn't huff and puff according to the doctor. She suggested for Ben to undergo a heart scan to be sure he doesn’t have any heart problem. If everything is alright Ben shall be discharged soon. I requested the doctor check on Ben’s hind legs. She will check on it and update me later. She asked me whether I was going to visit Ben today, I said no. I want to minimize outing. Sometimes we do tend to forget about covid19. So that was the update. I hope the heart scan can rule out any further worries other than normal flu and minor mouth ulcer.

Friday, August 13, 2021



At around 6am, I got out of Bed and went downstairs to feed the cats and take wudu' for subuh prayer. Normally Ben will be right at the door and ran downstairs with the rest of 6 other furries. Usually he was the impatience one. But today....nope he was just sitting on the couch. I went to him. He looked as if he's in a lot of pain and breathing rapidly. I waited until around 8:30am to email his usual vet. I hadn't got in touch with her for more than a year I think. But I must do something. I wanted to bring to the nearby vet but my heart just tell me better deal with vet that know Ben's history. Great thing she  answered back and requested for a video of Ben. From the look of it Ben didnt struggle breathing from his mouth so thats a good thing but she then asked me to count Ben's breathing intervals in 15s. I counted around 18. She asked me to bring Ben in today. So packed Ben's insulin and off to the vet. Too many things in my head at the time. The vet is actually on leave but she will get her colleague to attend to Ben. She alerted me due to MCO there could be 1-2 hr waiting. I understood. However, she assured me that she will get her colleague to give Ben a priority. 
I was quite lucky as I arrived a parking spot just present itself right in front of me near the hospital. Usually I had to make many rounds for availability. I didn't want to simply dump my car but i would if i had to. But today is a lucky day. The waiting wasn't too long either, we were attended to within 30 mins from the time we arrived. The doctor suggested for x-ray and blood test. Visually, yes Ben's breathing was pretty rapid. So Ben went for his x-ray and blood taken immediately. I waited outside. Didn't know what to think. I hate hospitals, humans or animals, super depressing. Earlier on I heard 2 pet owners conversation. One was just bringing his dog for routine checkup, one had to put his dog to sleep due to cancer. It was heart wrenching listening to that conversation. 
Anyway, Doc suggested Ben to be warded for further test just to rule out certain things. He has minor flu and mouth ulcer which explained why he refused to eat the kibbles. The x-ray showed his lung is clear so its a relief. But to be sure they need to observe Ben more. I said OK. After I paid the deposit I headed out and I saw that dog which was PTS covered in white towels. The owner was bringing him back for funeral.
On my way home, I sobbed.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021



It's been a struggle for me to live with diabetic cat. Yes, some of you may find it hard to believe. I found it hard to believe until today and there were days that I wanted to simply...give up. Every day, for the past 360++ days, I had to give insulin to Ben twice a day; morning and evening. Some people criticised me how I had failed as a cat owner to make sure the health of my cats are well taken care of. That hurts. Some vets that I went to had very little advice for cats with diabetes. Some said they just don't provide the treatment. You just have to regulate their insulin forever and ever. It breaks my heart every time I had to poke the needles on Ben. He used to be anxious when I poked his ears. Nowadays, he just let it be. His hind legs become "weak", he can no longer jump higher that the coffee table.
I hope I am doing the right thing. I hope Ben gets better soon. Another vet trip is due soon but I have to wait until this Covid19 thingy cases go down a bit. I am just a scared individual.....

Tuesday, August 10, 2021



1442H was sad. too many deaths including my SIL's dad while the entire Malaysians mourn for Siti Sarah's death. We are still not allowed to cross state yet. I thought I was gonna move out from my house soon but the cases are still high. I don't want to risk it. 

Covid-19 new cases in Malaysia  = 19,991
What a "nice" number.

Well, hopefully this new Islam new year will bring us great turn of events.
Innalillahi wa innalillahirojiun
Welcome 1443H
Happy New Year to all Muslims

Saturday, August 7, 2021


After WandaVision, I moved on to Loki. 6 episodes for Season 1. I finished watching all in 3 days. I had to pace myself, especially when it involves TIME TRAVEL. I need to process these things. Yes, I am Geeky OCD that way. 

I loved it. It felt like watching extended version of Loki Movie! I made a mistake of not watching The Falcon and The winter soldier first. But that's alright. I will eventually. I think episodes are available on Netflix. Knock yourself out.

Friday, August 6, 2021


Now my plan to move somewhere is halted until further notice. We achieved 20K yesterday and it is not looking good. Once again I feel very sorry for the front liners. The mosque page on FB that I follow for some religious events now went for FB live several times a day not for the sermons but for funerals. Utterly sad to see Van jenazah berderet tunggu giliran to kebumikan all the mayat. The loved ones didn't even get to see the jenazah. Funerals via video call. Super sad. What happened Malaysia? How do we get here? I have alot to be grateful for but so many people don't. My friends, Friends' Mom and Dad have died. My ex colleague died of covid19 at the age of 29.... 
Its getting scarier every day.
I hope everyone is praying for the best. Stay safe everyone. 


Here comes Friday! I don't know why I love Fridays so much. All energy seemed to be accumulated from Monday - Thursday and bam! Friday is here! Early morning, I did the usual, had cwoffee and did light house works. Get Benjamin jabbed with insulin then my brain started thinking about heavy duty food intake. Well of course, that biryani or nasi Arab came to mind. Since I was disappointed with the choices of Biryani nearby the area, Nasi Arab it is then. I tried this place via foodpanda : Alma Dina in Subang Bestari and they did not disappoint. My order of grilled chicken Mandy contained, Grilled Chicken, Mandy Rice, Savoury Soup and Chillis (Not too spicy but tasty). I prefer Mandy to Kabsa. Kabsa rice tend to be too spicy for my taste. So I'll stick to Mandy for now. The Hummus was awesome as well, served with pita bread. I'm hooked. I can alway learn how to make it. Some said it was so easy to make. I can't be bothered anymore. Order in!! Ha Ha! Enjoy the pics, my cats ate 90% of the chicken btw. 


Savoury Soup


Contactless Delivery

Restaurant Information:

Service options: Takeaway · Delivery · No dine-in
Address: 10-1, Jalan Nova U5/N, Subang Bestari, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor
Health and safety: Mask required · Temperature check required · Staff wear masks · Staff get temperature checks · Staff required to disinfect surfaces between visits · 
Phone: 011-5656 6256

Tuesday, August 3, 2021


Too lazy to cook. Not just today but every day lately....I am grateful for delivery services. Some said to boycott them for they treat their riders unfairly. But without them, lazy a#$ like me would probably be emaciated😆. Out of hunger I ordered Takoyaki. I am not really a fan but some that I tried before were tasty. Yeah with the discounts I tend to order more. Received the order...these delivery guys let me tell ya the way they ride....unbelievably fast. No contact delivery of course. Covid-19 is still out there viciously looking for its victim. I was si hungry I ate one. Takoyaki supposed to be smooth, i got mine too overcooked it was crunchy! ughhh...I was totally disappointed especially when you are hungry. I am not going to name name here. I already gave this seller a bad rating. I ain't ordering from these guys anymore. I am baffled at some people especially during these trying times doing business like we owe it to them. There are so many out there trying to make ends meet but these people are not helping. Anyway, yukkily I tried to eat a few more but I couldn't take it any more.....so there goes my 25 balls of Takoyaki.....wasted away and not even my cats wanted them.....
Later I looked at their ratings....o well....I should have checked before I ordered things online. Like it or not ratings are important since you are not physically there to know the quality of things you are buying.


Roberta Cleopatra Flack   (February 10, 1937 – February 24, 2025) [ 3 ] [ 4 ]   was an American singer who topped the   Billboard   charts w...